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属天的奥秘 第6653节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6653

6653. And he said unto his people. That this signifies subordinate memory-knowledges, is evident from the signification of "people," as being truths, and in the opposite sense falsities (n. 1259, 1260, 3295, 3581), here memory-knowledges separated from truth, because it is the people of Egypt. (That "Egypt" is memory-knowledge, see n. 6638.) That they are subordinate memory-knowledges is because it is said that "the king said unto his people." That by "people" are signified truths, is because in the word those are called a "people" who are under a king, and by a "king" is signified truth (n. 6651). By a "people" are signified truths, but those are meant who are in truths. The reason why truths are spoken of abstractedly, is that spirits and angels so think and speak, for in this way they comprehend a subject in a universal manner, and at the same time singly the particulars belonging to it, without reflecting specifically on any people that is in truths, which reflection would withdraw the mind from a universal idea, thus from extension of view, consequently from wisdom. For determination of the thought to any specific people, as also to any person, limits and confines the ideas, and turns them from the perception of a subject as it is from one boundary to the other. As is the case with the idea of a "people," so is it with other denominations which in the internal sense signify things unbounded - as with a "nation" as being good, with a "king" as being truth, with a "prince" as being primary truth, with a "priest" as being good, and with a "son," "daughter," "son-in-law," "daughter-in-law," "brother," "sister," "father," "mother," and many other denominations.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6653

6653. 'And he said to his people' means subordinated factual knowledge. This is clear from the meaning of 'people' as truths, and in the contrary sense as falsities, dealt with in 1259, 1260, 7295, 7581, here factual knowledge separated from truth since it is the people of Egypt. 'Egypt' means factual knowledge, see 6638; but the reason why subordinated factual knowledge is meant here is that the words 'the king said to his people' are used. 'People' means truths because in the Word the term 'people' is used of those who are subject to a king, and 'a king' means truth, 6651. But though 'people' means truths, one understands those in possession of truths. The reason however why truths are spoken of in isolation from anything else is that this is how spirits and angels think and speak of them. For by doing that they gain a complete overall view of a subject, and at the same time see specific details belonging to that subject. They do not contemplate any people in particular who are in possession of truths; for any such contemplation would divert their minds from seeing the complete overall picture, thus from seeing the lull extent of the subject, and so from gaining wisdom. For a concentration of the mind on any people in particular, or on any person in particular, narrows and restricts their ideas, and deprives them of a perception of the full range of the subject from one edge of it to the other. What applies to 'people' applies in a similar way to other terms, in that in the internal sense they mean entities unlimited by anything else, as is the case with nation (meaning good), king (meaning truth), prince (meaning a leading truth), priest (meaning good), son, daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother, sister, father, mother, and very many others.

Latin(1748-1756) 6653

6653. `Et dixit ad populum suum': quod significet scientifica subordinata, constat ex significatione `populi' quod sint vera, et in opposito sensu falsa, de qua n. 1259, 1260, 3295, 3581, hic scientifica separata a vero, quia est populus Aegypti; {1}quod `Aegyptus' sit scientificum, videatur n. 6638'; quod sint {2}scientifica quae' sub ordinata, est quia dicitur quod `rex dixit ad populum suum.' Quod per `populum' significentur vera, est quia in Verbo populus vocatur qui sub rege est, et per `regem' significatur verum, n. 6651. {3} Per `populum' {4}significantur vera, {5}sed intelliguntur illi qui in veris sunt; {6}quod vera dicantur abstracte, est quia ita cogitant et loquuntur spiritus et angeli; {7}sic enim universaliter rem comprehendunt, (c)et simul tunc singulariter illa quae ad rem pertinent, absque reflexione ad aliquem populum qui est in veris, in specie, quae reflexio abstraheret mentem ab idea universali, ita ab extensione intuitionis, proinde a sapientia; nam determinatio cogitationis ad aliquem populum in specie, ut quoque ad aliquam personam, limitat et finit ideas, et avertit a perceptione rei, qualis {8} est a termino uno ad alterum. Similiter ac cum populo, se habet {9} cum aliis {10} (x)denominationibus, quod in sensu interno interminata significent, sicut cum gente quod sit bonum, cum rege quod sit verum, cum principe quod sit primarium verum, cum sacerdote quod sit bonum {11}, cumque filio, filia, (d)genero, nuru, {12}fratre, sorore, patre, matre, et pluribus aliis. @1 vera enim interioris naturalis non alia sunt quam scientifica$ @2 quae sunt$ @3 i Quod dicatur, quod$ @4 significentur$ @5 est quia per populum$ @6 sed vera dicuntur$ @7 causa est quoniam sic$ @8 i ea$ @9 i in sensu interno$ @10 vocibus quae terminata involvunt$ @11 i cui adjunctum est verum$ @12 After matre,$

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