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属天的奥秘 第6664节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6664

6664. And so it was increased. That this signifies that they, namely, truths, were strengthened, is evident from the signification of "increasing," when said of truths multiplied by means of infestations from evils and falsities, as being to be strengthened; for no other truths remain than those which are strengthened; wherefore as many as are the truths strengthened, by so many are they increased. (That truths are strengthened by infestations, see just above, n. 6663.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 6664

6664. 'And so they grew' means that they - the truths - became strong. This is clear from the meaning of growing', used in reference to truths that have multiplied through molestations caused by evils and falsities, as becoming strong, for no other truths remain than those which become strong, and therefore as more and more truths become strong, so they grow. The fact that truths are made strong by means of molestations, see immediately above in 6663.

Latin(1748-1756) 6664

6664. `Et ita augebatur': quod significet quod firmarentur, nempe vera, constat (c)a significatione `augeri,' cum praedicatur de veris multiplicatis per infestationes a malis et falsis, quod sit firmari; (m)nam non alia vera manent quam quae firmantur, quapropter quot vera firmantur tot augentur;(n) quod {1}per infestationes firmentur vera, videatur mox supra n. 6663. @1 sic$

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