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属天的奥秘 第6685节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6685

6685. For they are living. That this signifies that spiritual life is in them, is evident from the signification of "living," as being spiritual life (see n. 5890), here spiritual life in the things of the church, which are signified by "Hebrew women." What spiritual life is, has been repeatedly told above, but because few at this day know what the spiritual is, it may here be briefly explained further. The spiritual in its first origin is the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord's Divine Human; which truth has in it Divine good, because the Divine truth comes forth from the Lord's Divine Human, which is Divine good. The Divine truth, in which is Divine good, is the spiritual itself in its origin, and is the life itself which fills heaven, nay, which fills the universe; and where there is a subject, there it flows in. But in its subjects it is varied according to their form. In the subjects which agree with good, it presents spiritual life; but in the subjects which disagree with good, it presents life opposed to spiritual life, which in the Word is called "death." From this it is now plain what spiritual life is, namely, that it is to be in truths from good, which proceed from the Lord.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6685

6685. 'For they are full of life' means that it has spiritual life within it. This is clear from the meaning of 'having life' as spiritual life, dealt with in 5890, in this instance spiritual life within things belonging to the Church, which are meant by 'the Hebrew women'. What spiritual life is has been stated a number of times already; but since few at the present day know what the spiritual is, let a further brief explanation be given of what this is. In its first origin the spiritual is Divine Truth emanating from the Lord's Divine Human. That Truth has Divine Good within it, because Divine Truth comes from the Lord's Divine Human, which is Divine Good. This Divine Truth which has Divine Good within it is the spiritual itself in origin, and is the actual life that fills heaven, indeed that fills all creation. Where there is a subject,a there it flows in; yet it is different within each subject, depending on the form the subject takes. Within subjects in harmony with good it establishes spiritual life, but within subjects out of harmony with good it establishes the opposite of spiritual life, which in the Word is called 'death'. From this one may now see what spiritual life is, namely being in possession of truths rooted in good which come from the Lord.


a Subject is used here to mean something which really exists yet depends for its existence on something else prior to itself.

Latin(1748-1756) 6685

6685. `Quia viventes illae': quod significet quod in illis vita spiritualis, constat ex significatione `vivere' quod sit vita spiritualis, de qua n. 5890, hic vita spiritualis in illis quae Ecclesiae, quae significantur per `mulieres Hebraeas.' Quid vita spiritualis, aliquoties prius dictum est, sed quia hodie quid spirituale pauci sciunt, licet adhuc paucis exponere (x)quid sit: spirituale in sua prima origine est Divinum Verum procedens a Divino Humano Domini, quod (d)Verum in se habet Divinum Bonum, quia Divinum Verum exit {1}a Divino Humano Domini, Quod est Divinum Bonum'; Divinum illud Verum, in quo Divinum Bonum, est ipsum spirituale in sua origine, et est ipsa vita quae implet caelum, immo quae implet universum; et ubi est subjectum, ibi influit; sed in subjectis variatur secundum formam; in subjectis quae concordant cum bono, ibi sistit vitam spiritualem; at in subjectis quae discordant a bono, ibi (x)sistit vitam contrariam vitae spirituali, quae in Verbo appellatur `mors'; inde nunc patet quid vita spiritualis, quod nempe sit esse in veris a bono quae a Domino procedunt. @1 e Divino Bono$

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