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属天的奥秘 第6695节




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Potts(1905-1910) 6695

6695. On the inhabitants of other earths. As of the Lord's Divine mercy the interiors of my spirit have been opened, and it has thus been granted me to speak with those who are in the other life, not only with those from this earth, but also with those from other earths, therefore, as it was my desire to know about these latter, and as the things that have been given me to know are worthy of mention, I may relate them at the end of the following chapters. I have not spoken with the inhabitants themselves of these earths, but with the spirits and angels who had been inhabitants of them; and this not merely for a day or a week, but for some months, with open instruction from heaven as to whence they were. That there are many earths, and men upon them, and spirits and angels from them, is very well known in the other life, for everyone who so desires is allowed to speak with them.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6695


In the Lord's Divine mercy the interior parts of my being, those of my spirit, have been opened, and this has made it possible for me to talk to those who are in the next life, not only to those from our own planet but also to those from other planets. Therefore, because I have had the desire to know about the inhabitants of other planets and the things I have been enabled to know deserve to be recorded, let me relate those things in sections at the ends of the chapters that follow. I have not talked to actual inhabitants of those planets, only to spirits and angels who had formerly inhabited them. I have done so not just for a day or a week but for a number of months, with the help of plain teaching from heaven as to where those spirits and angels were from. The fact that there is a large number of planets with people on them and that spirits and angels come from them is very well known in the next life; for anyone who wishes is allowed to talk to them.

Latin(1748-1756) 6695

6695. Quia, ex Divina Domini Misericordia, mihi aperta sunt interiora quae sunt spiritus mei, ac ita loqui datum est cum illis qui in altera vita, nec solum eum illis qui ex hac tellure sunt sed etiam eum illis qui ex aliis telluribus, idcirco, quia hoc scire desiderium meum fuit, et quae scire datum digna memoratu sunt, licet illa ad finem capitum sequentium referre {1}. {2}Locutus non sum cum ipsis incolis tellurum sed cum spiritibus et angelis qui fuerant incolae ibi; et hoc non per diem aut septimanam sed per plures menses, cum aperta instructione e caelo unde essent. Quod plures tellures sint et super illis homines, et inde spiritus et angeli, notissimum est in altera vita, nam cuivis si desiderat, cum illis loqui conceditur. @1 i quid ab illis audivi$ @2 Loqui non datum est$

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