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属天的奥秘 第6708节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6708

6708. That the neighbor is according to the quality of the good, is plain from the Lord's parable of the man who fell among thieves, whom, while half dead, the priest passed by, and also the Levite; but the Samaritan, when he had bound up his wounds and poured in oil and wine, set him on his own beast and brought him to an inn and took care of him; and he, because he exercised the good of charity, is called the "neighbor" (Luke 10:29-37). Hence it may be known that they are the neighbor who are in good; whereas they who are in evil are indeed the neighbor, but in quite a different respect; and for this reason they are to be benefited in a different way. But on this subject, of the Lord's Divine mercy more will be said hereafter.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6708

6708. The fact that the character of such good determines the identity of the neighbour is evident from the Lord's parable in Luke 10:29-37 about the man who fell among robbers. Although the man was half-dead the priest passed by on the other side, and so did the Levite. But the Samaritan bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine, and he carried him on his own animal, taking him to an inn, where he had him cared for. Since he exercised the good of charity he is called a neighbour. From this parable one may see that those governed by good are 'the neighbour'. Those governed by evil are, it is true, the neighbour too; but they are so in a completely different respect, and therefore benefits should be conferred on them in other ways. But these matters are, in the Lord's Divine mercy, to be discussed later on.

Latin(1748-1756) 6708

6708. Quod proximus sit secundum quale boni, patet a Domini parabola de illo qui Incidit in latrones, quem semimortuum sacerdos praeterivit et quoque Levita; sed, Samarita, postquam obligavit vulnera ejus et infudit oleum et vinum, sustulit super proprium jumentum, et duxit in deversorium, et curam ejus habuit; hic, quia bonum charitatis exercuit, proximus dicitur, Luc. x 29-37;

inde sciri potest quod `proximus' sint qui in bono; at qui in malo, quidem proximus {1}sunt, sed {2} prorsus alio respectu; et quia ita, aliter illis benefaciendum est; {3}at de his, ex Divina Domini Misericordia, in sequentibus dicendum. @1 sint$ @2 i in$ @3 sed$

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