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属天的奥秘 第6807节




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Potts(1905-1910) 6807

6807. On the spirits of the planet Mercury. That the universal heaven bears relation to a man, which has been called the Grand Man, and that each and all things in man, both his exteriors and his interiors, correspond to that man, or to heaven, has been shown at the close of many chapters. But they who come into the other life from this earth, being relatively few, are not sufficient to constitute this Grand Man: there must be others from many other earths; and it is provided by the Lord that as soon as the nature or the amount of the correspondence is lacking anywhere, there shall be straight-way summoned from some earth those who will make up the deficiency, in order that the proportion may be maintained, and that in this way heaven may stand firm.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6807


It has been shown at the ends of quite a number of chapters that heaven as a whole resembles a human being, called the Grand Man, and that every single detail both of the outward and of the inward aspects of a human being correspond to that Man, which is heaven. But those who come from our planet into the next life, being relatively few in numbers, are not sufficient to compose this Grand Man. People from many other planets are needed; and as soon as the correspondence is anywhere deficient in quantity or in quality the Lord sees to it that people are immediately summoned from one planet or another to fill the gap, so that the right balance is achieved and heaven is accordingly made stable.

Latin(1748-1756) 6807

6807. De Spiritibus Planetae Mercurii

Quod universum caelum referat hominem, qui Maximus Homo vocatus est, et quod omnia et singula {1} apud hominem, tam ejus exteriora quam interiora, illi homini seu caelo correspondeant, ad finem plurium capitum ostensum est; sed ad Maximum illum Hominem constituendum non sufficiunt qui ex hac tellure in alteram vitam veniunt; sunt hi pauci respective; erunt ex pluribus aliis telluribus; et providetur a Domino quod ut primum deest alicubi quale aut quantum correspondentiae, ilico ex aliqua tellure arcessantur qui impleant, ut ratio constet, ac ita caelum consistat. @1 i quae$

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