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属天的奥秘 第6808节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6808

6808. What the spirits of the planet Mercury bear relation to in the Grand Man, has also been disclosed to me from heaven, namely, the memory, but the memory of things that are abstracted from what is earthly and merely material. But as it has been given me to speak with them, and this for many weeks, and to learn their quality, and to explore the condition of those who are in that earth, I would present the actual experiences.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6808

6808. What the spirits from the planet Mercury correlate with in the Grand Man has also been revealed to me from heaven. They correlate with the memory, but the memory of things devoid of any earthly or merely material associations. But since I have been allowed to talk to those spirits, doing so for quite a number of weeks, to discover what kind of people they are, and to find out what the situation is with the inhabitants of that planet, I would like to describe my actual experiences.

Latin(1748-1756) 6808

6808. Quid spiritus e planeta Mercurii referunt in Maximo Homine, mihi quoque e caelo detectum est, quod nempe memoriam, sed memoriam rerum abstractarum a terrestribus et mere materialibus. Verum quia cum illis datum est loqui, et hoc per plures septimanas, et audire quales sunt, et explorare quomodo cum illis qui in tellure illa sunt, se habet, velim ipsas experientias adducere.

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