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属天的奥秘 第6812节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6812

6812. Above all other spirits the spirits of Mercury possess knowledges of real things, both of those within this solar system, and also of those which are beyond it in the starry heaven; and what they have once acquired they retain, and also recall, as often as like things occur. This shows very plainly that the memory of spirits is much more perfect than that of men, and also that what spirits hear, see, and perceive, they retain, especially such things as delight them, as the knowledges of real things delight these spirits. For all things that cause delight and love, flow in as it were spontaneously, and remain; other things do not enter, but only touch the surface and pass by.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6812

6812. Spirits belonging to Mercury possess more knowledge about real things than all other spirits possess - things both within our solar system and also outside it in starry space. Once they have acquired such knowledge they commit it to memory and also recall it as often as anything similar comes their way. This plainly shows too that spirits' memory is far more perfect than men's, and also that spirits commit to memory what they hear, see, and discern, most especially the kinds of things that give them delight, like those spirits from Mercury who are delighted with knowledge about real things. For what gives delight and is loved flows into the mind of its own accord so to speak and remains; nothing else goes in, but merely touches the surface and slips away.

Latin(1748-1756) 6812

6812. Spiritus Mercurii prae reliquis spiritibus cognitiones rerum, tam quae in hujus solis mundo quam quae extra hunc {1} in caelo astrifero sunt, possident; et quae semel sibi acquisiverunt, illa retinent, et quoque illorum reminiscuntur quoties similia {2}occurrunt; inde quoque manifeste constare potest quod memoria spirituum multo perfectior sit memoria hominum, {3}tum quod quae spiritus audiunt, vident, et appercipiunt, {4}retineant, et maxime talia quibus delectantur, ut hi spiritus cognitionibus rerum; nam quae delectationi sunt et amori, ea quasi sponte sua influunt et remanent; cetera non intrant, sed modo superficiem tangunt et praeterlabuntur. @1 i mundum$ @2 recurrunt$ @3 et$ @4 A had this before quae spiritus then d.$

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