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属天的奥秘 第6811节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6811

6811. With what eagerness they search out and learn knowledges, such as are in the memory that is raised above the sensuous things of the body, was made evident to me from the fact that when they looked into what I knew about heavenly things, they ran over them all, continually saying, "That is so-and-so, that is so-and-so." For when spirits come to a man, they enter into all his memory, and excite from it all that is suited to themselves; nay, as I have often observed, they read its contents as from a book. The spirits of Mercury did this with greater skill and quickness, because they looked at the real things themselves, and did not delay over such things as are slow, and which confine and consequently retard the internal sight, as do all earthly and bodily things when regarded as an end, that is, when loved in an extraordinary degree. For realities to which earthly things do not adhere bear the mind upward, thus into a wide field; whereas merely material things bear the mind downward, thus into a narrow one. Their eagerness to acquire knowledges also became evident in the following manner. Once when I was writing something about the future, and they were at a distance, so that they could not look at it from my memory, they were very indignant because I would not read it in their presence, and contrary to their usual behavior they desired to upbraid me, calling me the worst of men, and so forth; and in order to show their anger they induced a kind of contraction on the right side of my head as far as the ear, that was attended with pain. But such things did me no harm. But as the spirits had done evil they went still further off, and yet they waited; because they wanted to know what I had written about the future. Such is their desire for knowledges.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6811

6811. How eagerly they investigate and absorb items of knowledge - the kinds of things on the level of memory above the perceptions of the physical senses - was made clear to me by the fact that when they looked at what I knew about heavenly things they ran quickly through it all, saying repeatedly, That is so, that is so. For when spirits come to a person they enter into possession of his entire memory and call forth from it the things suited to them; indeed, as I have often observed, they gather those things from it like information from a book. The spirits belonging to Mercury did this very skillfully and quickly, for they did not pay attention to the kinds of things that slow one down and that restrict and consequently hamper one's inner vision, as all earthly and bodily interests do when they have become one's end in view, that is, when one loves them to the exclusion of all else. The spirits fixed their attention on the things of real importance, for things that have nothing earthly attached to them carry the mind upwards and so into a wide field of vision, whereas wholly material things carry it downwards and so into a narrow one. Their eagerness to acquire knowledge was also made plain to me by the following experience. I was once writing about things to come. Being a long way off, those spirits could not inspect the things in my memory; and because I did not wish to read those things aloud in their presence they were extremely annoyed and wished uncharacteristically to rail against me, saying that I was a very wicked man, and other such things. To show their feeling of anger they created in the right side of my head down to my ear a kind of tightening, and pain with it; but such treatment caused me no harm. Yet because they were acting badly they went further and further away from me, though they kept on halting, wishing to know what I had written about things to come. Such is their desire for knowledge.

Latin(1748-1756) 6811

6811. Quam avide inquirunt et hauriunt cognitiones rerum quales sunt memoriae elevatae supra sensualia corporis, constare mihi potuit ex eo quod cum inspicerent in illa quae ego {1}sciebam de caelestibus, percurrerent omnia, et continue {2}dicerent quod tale sit, quod tale sit; cum enim spiritus ad hominem veniunt, intrant in omnem ejus memoriam, et excitant inde sibi convenientia, immo, quod saepe animadverti, {3}legunt quae ibi sunt quasi e libro; spiritus Mercurii hoc sollertius et celerius faciebant, quia non morati sunt circa talia quae {4} lenta sunt et coarctant et {5}consequenter retardant visum internum, ut sunt omnia terrestria et corporea cum pro fine sunt, hoc est, cum unice amantur; sed intuiti sunt ipsas res; {6}res enim quibus non adhaerent terrestria ferunt animum sursum, ita in latum campum, mere materialia autem ferunt animum deorsum, ita in angustum. Aviditas eorum acquirendi sibi cognitiones ex his etiam patuit: quondam cum scriberem aliquid de venturis, et tunc erant e longinquo, unde non potuerunt inspicere illa e memoria mea;{7} quia illa non legere vellem in praesentia illorum, valde indignati sunt, et volebant contra morem solitum invehere in me, dicentes quod pessimus essem, et similia; utque iracundiam suam indicarent, dextrae parti capitis mei usque ad aurem inducebant speciem contractionis cum dolore; sed talia nihil nocuerunt mihi; {8}at quia malum fecerunt, elongabant se adhuc magis, at usque subsistebant, volentes scire {9}quid de futuris scripseram; talis illis est cupido cognitionum. @1 scirem$ @2 dicebant$ @3 After sunt$ @4 i respective$ @5 sic$ @6 quae ferunt animum extrorsum et sursum quasi in latum quasi in latum campum, non autem sicut mere materialia introrsum et$ @7 i et$ @8 et$ @9 quae de venturis$

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