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属天的奥秘 第6835节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6835

6835. And Moses said. That this signifies perception from the law from the Divine, is evident from the signification of "saying," in the historicals of the Word, as being perception (of which frequently above); and from the representation of Moses, as being the law from the Divine (of which also above, n. 6827).

Elliott(1983-1999) 6835

6835. 'And Moses said' means a perception coming from the law from God. This is clear from the meaning of 'saying' in the historical narratives of the Word as perception, dealt with often; and from the representation of 'Moses' as the law from God, dealt with above in 6827.

Latin(1748-1756) 6835

6835. `Et dixit Moscheh': quod significet perceptionem ex lege a Divino, constat ex significatione `dicere' in historicis Verbi, quod sit perceptio, de qua saepius; et ex repraesentatione `Moschis' quod sit lex a Divino, de qua supra n. 6827.

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