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属天的奥秘 第6836节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6836

6836. I will therefore go aside, and see this great vision. That this signifies reflection on this revelation, is evident from the signification of "going aside and seeing," as being to reflect, for in the spiritual sense "to go aside" denotes to turn aside from the present thought; and "to see" denotes to perceive, thus both expressions together denote to reflect; and from the signification of a "vision," as being revelation (see n. 6000). It is called a "great vision," because in the supreme sense by the "flame in the bramble" is signified the Divine truth united to the Divine good in the Lord's Human (n. 6834).

Elliott(1983-1999) 6836

6836. 'I will turn aside therefore, and see this great sight' means reflection on this revelation. This is clear from the meaning of 'turning aside and seeing' as reflecting, for in the spiritual sense 'turning aside' is turning away from the thought at present in one's mind, while 'seeing' is perceiving, so that the two together is reflecting; and from the meaning of 'sight' as a revelation, dealt with in 6000.a The expression 'great sight' is used because in the highest sense 'the flame in the bramble bush' means Divine Truth united to Divine Good within the Lord's Human, 6834.


a The Latin word rendered sight here in Exodus 3:3 is the same as that translated vision in 6000.

Latin(1748-1756) 6836

6836. `Secedam ergo, et videbo visionem magnam hanc': quod significet reflexionem super revelatione hac, constat (C)ex significatione `secedere et videre' quod sit reflectere; `secedere' enim in sensu spirituali est divertere a cogitatione in qua est, et `videre' est percipere, ita utrumque simul {1}est reflectere; et ex significatione `visionis' quod sit revelatio, de qua n. 6000; `visio magna' dicitur quia in sensu supremo per `flammam in rubo' significatur Divinum Verum {2}unitum Divino Bono in Humano Domini, n. 6834. @1 significat reflexionem$ @2 conjunctum$

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