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属天的奥秘 第6840节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6840

6840. And God called unto him. That this signifies influx from the Divine, is evident from the signification of "calling," as being influx; for in the internal sense there is not meant a calling by means of speech, as in the external historic sense, but a calling by influx into the will; and this calling is internal, for Jehovah, or the Lord, flows into the will and moves it to do what pleases Him. When this internal thing falls into what is historic, in which there are nothing but external things, it falls either into a command, or a call, or an address, or into other like terms.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6840

6840. 'And Jehovaha called to him' means an influx from the Divine. This is clear from the meaning of 'calling' as an influx; for what is meant in the internal sense is not a calling effected by spoken language, as in the external sense written as history, but a calling effected by influx into the will, which is an inner calling. For Jehovah or the Lord flows into the will, and in so doing impels a person to do what He pleases. When this inner experience comes to be portrayed by events on a historical level, a level on which everything is of an external nature, it comes to be expressed by the verbs 'command', 'call', or 'speak to', or others like them.


a Why the name Jehovah, not God, appears here is unclear.

Latin(1748-1756) 6840

6840. `Et vocavit ad illum Jehovah': quod significet influxum a Divino, constat ex significatione `vocare' quod sit influxus; in sensu enim interno non intelligitur vocatio per `loquelam' ut in sensu externo historico, sed vocatio per influxum in voluntatem, quae vocatio est interna, nam Jehovah seu Dominus influit in voluntatem, et {1} agit ad faciendum quod Ipsi placet; hoc internum cum cadit in historicum, in quo non nisi quam externa sunt, cadit vel in mandare, vel in vocare, vel in alloqui, vel in {2}voces alias similes. @1 i sic$ @2 alia similia$

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