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属天的奥秘 第6839节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6839

6839. And Jehovah saw that he went aside to see. That this signifies reflection from the Lord, is evident from the signification of "going aside to see," as being reflection (of which above, n. 6836; as also that "Jehovah" denotes the Lord, n. 1343, 1736, 2921, 3023, 3035, 5663, 6303). The nature of the sense of the letter of the Word is evident here also. It is said that Jehovah saw that he went aside to see, as if He had not known before, and as if He had not enabled him and moved him to go aside to see. Nevertheless it is so said because this is according to the appearance. But the internal sense teaches how this is to be understood, namely, that the Lord flowed into his thought, in order that he might reflect upon it. This shows how the case is with the sense of the letter of the Word relatively to the internal sense; and that the contents of the sense of the letter are of such a nature as to accommodate themselves to the apprehension of the simple, who believe only as it appears; what does not appear they do not believe, because they cannot enter into the interiors of things; and therefore unless the Word had been of this nature in the letter, it would not have been received. He who is in sensuous things, and is engrossed by worldly ones, in no wise apprehends interior things. He desires to see the things he must believe; those which he does not see are as it were foreign, and when he is thinking from himself about them, he rejects them as matters worthy of denial, or at any rate as worthy of doubt.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6839

6839. 'And Jehovah saw that he turned aside to see' means reflection brought about by the Lord. This is clear from the meaning of 'turning aside to see' as reflection, dealt with above in 6836; and 'Jehovah' is the Lord, see 1343, 1736, 2921, 3023, 3035, 5667, 6303. What the sense of the letter of the Word is like is also evident here. It says that Jehovah saw that he turned aside to see, as though He had not known beforehand what Moses would do, and as though He had not put it into Moses' mind and made him turn aside to see. This way of describing what happened was adopted however because it accorded with outward appearances. But the internal sense shows what ought in fact to be understood, which is that the Lord flowed into his thought in such a way that he would reflect on what he beheld. From this one can see what the relationship is of the sense of the letter of the Word to its internal sense. One can see that descriptions in the sense of the letter are of a kind suited to the understanding of simple people who believe only what agrees with appearances. They do not believe what does not agree with appearances because they have no ability to look into things at a deeper level. That being so, unless the Word had been such as it is in the letter it would not have been accepted. A person whose thought is limited to what he apprehends with his senses and who is preoccupied with worldly interests cannot understand things at a deeper level. He wishes to see with his own eyes the things he is required to believe; and those he does not see are so to speak foreign. He casts them aside as things he refuses to believe, or at best holds in doubt, when he relies on his own ideas to think about them.

Latin(1748-1756) 6839

6839. `Et vidit Jehovah quod secederet ad videndum': quod significet reflexionem a Domino, constat ex significatione `secedere ad videndum' quod sit reflexio, de qua supra n. 6836; quod `Jehovah' sit Dominus, videatur n. 1343, 1736, 2921, 3023, 3035, 5663, 6303. Qualis sensus litterae (d)Verbi sit, patet etiam hic; dicitur quod `videret Jehovah quod secederet ad videndum,' sicut non novisset prius, et sicut non indiderit et egerit ut secederet ad videndum, ita tamen dictum est quia secundum apparentiam; at sensus internus docet quomodo id intelligendum est, quod nempe (t)Dominus influeret in cogitationem ejus ut reflecteret super id; inde constare potest quomodo se habet {1}cum sensu litterae Verbi respective ad sensum internum; et quod quae in sensu litterae sunt, talia sint ut accommodent se ad captum simplicium, qui non credunt nisi (x)sit sicut apparet; quod non apparet, hoc non credunt quia non intrare possunt in rerum interiora; quapropter nisi Verbum tale fuisset in littera, non receptum fuisset; qui in sensualibus est, et qui occupatus a mundanis, nequaquam capit interiora; videre vult {2}quae crede quae non videt, quasi aliena sunt, {3}et rejicit inter negativa, ad minimum inter dubia, cum de illis ex se cogitat. @1 sensus literae$ @2 quod$ @3 quae$

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