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属天的奥秘 第6852节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6852

6852. And I have heard their cry from before their taskmasters. That this signifies the aid of mercy against those who desired to compel them to serve, is evident from the signification of a "cry," as being entreaty (see n. 6801); and from the signification of "to hear," as being to obey and notice (n. 5017); but when it is said of Jehovah or the Lord, it denotes to bring the aid of mercy to him who implores it. It is with hearing as it is above (n. 6851) with seeing, namely, that the Lord hears all, and thus brings aid to all, but according to the necessities. They who cry, and implore Him for themselves alone, and thus against others, as the wicked are wont to do; these also the Lord hears, but He does not bring them aid, and when He does not bring aid, it is said that He "does not hear"-and from the signification of "taskmasters," as being those who desire to compel to serve. That a "taskmaster" or "exactor" denotes one who compels to serve, is evident from these passages:

The peoples shall take them, and bring them to their place, and they shall rule over their exactors. It shall come to pass in the day that Jehovah shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and from thy trouble, and from the hard service wherein thou wast made to serve, that thou shalt utter this parable concerning the king of Babylon. How hath the exactor ceased! (Isa. 14:2-4). I will encamp about My house because of the army, because of him that goeth and of him that returneth, that the exactor may not pass through upon them anymore (Zech. 9:8). They were called "exactors" who exacted tribute (2 Kings 23:35; Deut. 15:3), and also they who compelled them to work according to the imposition of the tributes. They are also called "princes of tributes" (Exod. 1:11); that these are they who compelled them to serve may be seen above (n. 6659).

Elliott(1983-1999) 6852

6852. 'And have heard their cry from before their taskmasters' means the help of that mercy in opposition to those who wished to compel them to serve. This is clear from the meaning of 'cry' as a calling for help, dealt with in 6801; from the meaning of 'hearing' as obeying and discerning, dealt with in 5017, though when used in reference to Jehovah or the Lord 'hearing' is bringing the help of His mercy to the one calling out for it (the situation with 'hearing' is the same as that above in 6851 with 'seeing', in that the Lord hears everyone and so brings help to everyone, but each according to his needs. Those who cry out to Him and call for help solely in support of themselves, and so in opposition to others, as the evil are accustomed to do, are also heard by the Lord, but He does not bring them help; and when He does not bring help it is said that He does not hear); and from the meaning of 'taskmasters' as those who wish to compel people to serve. The fact that 'a taskmaster' is one who compels another to serve is evident in Isaiah,

The peoples will take them and bring them to their place, and they will have dominion over their taskmasters. It will happen on the day on which Jehovah will give you rest, both from your turmoil and from your hard service in which you were made to serve, that you will declare this parable about the king of Babel, How the task master has ceased! Isa 14:2-4.

And in Zechariah,

I will pitch camp by My house with an army because of him who is leaving and returning, so that the taskmaster passes over them no more. Zech 9:8.

'Taskmasters' is used in 2 Kings 23:35; Deut. 15:3, to describe those who demanded tribute. They are also those who compelled people to do work required by the imposition of tributes; in Exod. 1:11 they are called 'princes of tributes'. And for the fact that they are those who compel people to serve, see 6659.

Latin(1748-1756) 6852

6852. `Et clamorem illorum audivi a coram exactoribus illius': quod significet misericordiae opem contra illos qui ad serviendum adigere voluerunt, constat ex significatione `clamoris' quod sit imploratio, de qua n. 6801; ex significatione `audire' quod sit oboedire et appercipere, de qua n. 5017, at cum dicitur de Jehovah seu Domino, est {1}imploranti misericordiae opem ferre; se habet cum `audire' sicut supra n. 6851 cum `videre,' quod Dominus omnes audiat ac ita omnibus opem ferat, sed secundum necessitates; qui clamant {2}et implorant Ipsum pro se solis, ac ita contra alios, ut solent mali, hos quoque Dominus audit sed non illis opem fert; et cum non opem fert, dicitur quod non audiat; et ex significatione `exactorum' quod sint qui ad serviendum adigere volunt; quod `exactor' sit qui ad serviendum adigit, patet apud Esaiam, Accipient illos populi, et deducent illos ad locum suum, et dominabuntur exactoribus suis: fiet {3} in die quo quietem daturus est Jehovah tibi, et a commotione tua, et a servitute gravi, qua servire coactus es, ut enunties hanc parabolam de rege Babelis, Quomodo cessavit exactor! xiv 2-4:

et apud Zachariam, Castra ponam domui meae de exercitu propter abeuntem et redeuntem, ut non transeat amplius super eos exactor, ix 8:

`exactores' dicebantur qui exigebant tributa, 2 Reg. xxiii 35; Deut. xv 3; et quoque qui adigebant ad opus faciendum secundum impositionem tributorum; vocantur `principes tributorum' Exod. i 11; qui quod sint qui {4}ad serviendum adigerent, videatur n. 6659. @1 opem ex Misericordia$ @2 seu$ @3 i itaque$ @4 After adigerent$

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