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属天的奥秘 第6857节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6857

6857. Flowing with milk and honey. That this signifies the pleasantness and delight thence, is evident from the signification of "milk," as being the celestial spiritual, or the truth of good (see n. 2184); and as it denotes the truth of good, it denotes also the pleasantness thereof, for these are conjoined; and from the signification of "honey," as being delight (n. 5620). From what was shown above (n. 6854) it can be seen what is meant by "making to come up out of that land to a land good and broad, flowing with milk and honey," namely, that they who had been detained in the lower earth in pits there until the Lord's coming, should then be raised to heaven where are the good of charity and the truth of faith and the derivative pleasantness and delight. These things are specifically signified by these words; but in general are signified all of the spiritual church who are in temptation and are liberated from it.

Elliott(1983-1999) 6857

6857. 'Flowing with milk and honey' means which are a source of pleasure and delight. This is clear from the meaning of milk' as the celestial-spiritual or the truth of good, dealt with in 2184, and being the truth of good it is also the pleasure that goes with it, for the two are joined together; and from the meaning of honey' as delight, dealt with in 5620. From what was shown above in 6854 one may see what causing to go up out of that land to a land good and broad, flowing with milk and honey' is used to mean - that those who were held back on the lower earth, in pits there, until the Lord's Coming would be raised up to heaven, where the good of charity and the truth of faith are, which are a source of pleasure and delight. These things are what are meant in particular by those words; but in general they mean that all belonging to the spiritual Church undergo temptation and are delivered from it.

Latin(1748-1756) 6857

6857. `Fluentem lacte et melle': quod significet et inde amoenum et jucundum, constat ex significatione `lactis' quod sit caeleste spirituale seu verum boni, de qua n. 2184; et quia est verum boni, est quoque amoenum ejus, conjuncta enim sunt; et ex significatione `mellis' quod sit jucundum, de qua n. 5620. Ex illis quae supra n. 6854 ostensa sunt, constare potest (x)quid intelligitur per `{1}facere ascendere e terra illa ad terram bonam et latam, fluentem lacte et melle,' quod nempe illi qui in terra inferiore in foveis ibi usque ad Adventum Domini detenti fuerunt elevarentur tunc ad caelum, ubi bonum charitatis et verum fidei, et inde amoenum et jucundum. Haec in specie significantur per illa verba; in genere autem omnes qui e spirituali Ecclesia in tentatione sunt, (c)et inde liberantur. @1 ad ascendere faciendum$

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