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属天的奥秘 第6888节



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Potts(1905-1910) 6888

6888. And this is My memorial unto generation and generation. That this signifies that it must be worshiped perpetually is evident from the signification of "memorial" as being what must be remembered, and when said of the Divine, it denotes the quality in the worship; and from the signification of "generation and generation" as being perpetually. In the Word, "forever" and also "to generation of generations" is said, and this sometimes in one verse; and for the reason that "forever" is predicated of the Divine good, and "generation of generations" of the Divine truth. So it is with the signification of "memorial" and of name; "memorial" being predicated of the quality of the Divine in worship as to truth, but "name" of the quality of the Divine in worship as to both truth and good, and specifically as to good. That "memorial" denotes the quality of the Divine in the worship is plain in Hosea:

Jehovah, God Zebaoth, Jehovah is His memorial. Therefore turn thou to God; keep piety and judgement (Hos. 12:5-6);

where the quality of worship as to truth is treated of, and therefore it is said "Jehovah is His memorial." In David:

Sing ye to Jehovah, O ye saints of His, and confess ye to the memorial of His holiness (Psalm 30:4; 97:12);

that "holy" is said of truth may be seen above (n. 6788); the derivative worship is signified by "the memorial of His holiness."

Elliott(1983-1999) 6888

6888. 'And this is My memorial from one generation to another means that It is to be worshipped perpetually. This is clear from the meaning of 'memorial' as that which should be called to mind, and - when used in connection with the Divine - as His essential nature called to mind in worship; and from the meaning of 'one generation to another as perpetually. In the Word the expressions 'forever'a and 'to all generations'a are used, sometimes in the same verse. The reason for this is that 'forever' has reference to Divine Good, and 'all generations' to Divine Truth. And the situation is much the same with the meaning of 'memorial' and 'name', in that 'memorial' has reference to the essential nature of the Divine in worship in respect of truth, whereas 'name' has reference to the essential nature of the Divine in worship in respect of them both, of both truth and good, but in particular in respect of good. The fact that 'memorial' means the essential nature of the Divine called to mind in worship is evident from Hosea,

Jehovah is God Zebaoth, Jehovah is His memorial. Turn back therefore in [the strength of] God; maintain godliness and righteousness. Hosea 11:5, 6.

This refers to the essential nature of worship that is offered in respect of truth, and therefore the words 'Jehovah is His memorial' are used. In David,

Sing to Jehovah, O saints of His, and acclaim the memorial of His holiness. Ps 30:4; 97:12.

'Holy' is used in reference to truth, see 6788; thus worship from truth is meant by 'the memorial of His holiness'.


a lit. into eternity
b lit. into generation of generations

Latin(1748-1756) 6888

6888. `Et hoc memoriale Meum in generationem, generationem': quod significet quod colendum perpetuo, constat ex significatione `memorialis' {1} quod sit {2} cujus recordandum, {3}et cum praedicatur de Divino, est quale in cultu; et ex significatione `generationis, generationis' quod sit in perpetuo. In Verbo dicitur `in aeternum' et `in generationem generationum' et hoc quandoque in uno versu; hoc inde est quia `aeternum' praedicatur de Divino Bono, et `generatio generationum' de Divino Vero; similiter se habet cum significatione memorialis' et {4} `nominis'; `memoriale' praedicatur de quali Divini in cultu quoad verum, at `nomen' de quali Divini in cultu quoad utrumque, tam verum quam bonum, {5} in specie autem quoad bonum. Quod `memoriale' sit quale Divini in cultu, patet apud Hoscheam, Jehovah Deus Zebaoth, Jehovah memoriale Ipsius; tu ergo in Deo reverteris, pietatem et judicium serva, xii [5,] 6;

hic agitur de quali cultus quoad verum, quapropter dicitur `Jehovah memoriale Ipsius': apud Davidem, Cantate Jehovae sancti Ipsius, et confitemini memoriali sanctitatis Ipsius, Ps. xxx 5 [A.V. 4], xcvii 12;

`sanctum' quod praedicetur de vero, videatur n. 6788; {6} cultus inde significatur per `{7}memoriale sanctitatis Ipsius.' @1 i hic memorialis Jehovae,$ @2 i quale Divini in cultu, memoriale enim dicitur$ @3 quare$ @4 i cum significatione$ @5 i et$ @6 i ita$ @7 confiteri memorali$

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