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属天的奥秘 第7069节




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Potts(1905-1910) 7069

7069. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE SPIRITS OF THE PLANET MERCURY. The nature of the genius of the spirits from the planet Mercury may still further appear from what follows. Be it known that all spirits whatever have been men, for the human race is the seminary of heaven; also that the spirits themselves are exactly such as they had been during their life in the world, for everyone's life follows him. This being so, the genius of the men of every earth can be known from the genius of the spirits who are from it.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7069


What the disposition of spirits from the planet Mercury is like may become even more apparent from the following descriptions. It should be realized that all spirits, however many there may be, were once men, for the inhabitants of heaven come from the human race; and also that spirits are in character exactly like what they were when they lived in the world, since everyone brings his life with him. This being so, the disposition of people on any planet whatever may be recognized from the disposition of the spirits who come from there.

Latin(1748-1756) 7069

7069. Continuatio de Spiritibus Planetae Mercurii

Porro, qualis est genius spirituum qui ex planeta Mercurio sunt, ex sequentibus adhuc patescere potest. Sciendum quod omnes quotcumque spiritus sunt fuerint homines; humanum enim genus est seminarium caeli; {1}tum quod ipsi spiritus tales prorsus sint quales fuerunt cum vixerunt in {2}mundo, nam unumquemque sequitur vita ejus; {3} quia ita est, genius hominum cujuscumque telluris cognosci potest (c)a genio spirituum qui inde sunt. @1 et$ @2 corpore$ @3 i et$

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