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属天的奥秘 第7071节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7071

7071. In order that I might know for certain that such is their genius, I was allowed to represent to them meadows, fallow grounds, gardens, woods, and rivers; but they at once changed them, darkening the meadows and fallow grounds, and by representations filling them with snakes; the rivers they made black, so that the water no longer appeared limpid. Then I asked them why they did so, they said that they are unwilling to think about such things, but only about real ones, which are the knowledges of such things as are abstracted from what is earthly, especially about such as arise in the heavens.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7071

7071. In order that I might know for certain that their disposition was such, I was allowed to represent meadows, newly ploughed fields, gardens, woodlands, and streams to them; but they immediately began to transform them. The meadows and newly ploughed fields they darkened, using representations to fill them with snakes; and they blackened the streams so that the water was not clear in appearance. When I asked them why they were acting in that way they said that they did not wish to think about those kinds of things, only about realities, which consist in the knowledge of things devoid of their earthly associations, especially the knowledge of such as are found in heaven.

Latin(1748-1756) 7071

7071. Ut pro certo scirem quod talis eorum genius esset, licuit repraesentare illis prata, novalia, hortos, silvas, flumina, sed ilico transmutabant illa; prata et novalia obscurabant, et per repraesentationes implebant anguibus; flumina denigrabant, ut aqua non limpida appareret; {1}cum quaererem cur ita facerent, dicebant quod non velint cogitare de talibus, sed de realibus, quae sunt cognitiones rerum a terrestribus abstractarum, imprimis talium quae existunt in caelis. @1 cumque$

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