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属天的奥秘 第712节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]712. Because I have seen you as a just person in this generation means having a good quality that makes regeneration possible, as was explained and demonstrated at Genesis 6:9 [612-615]. There, the word just had to do with the good involved in charity, and upright, with the truth involved in it. There, generations was plural because the realm of the intellect was the theme, but here the word is singular because the realm of the will is the theme. The will encloses intellectual things in its embrace, whereas the intellect does not enclose volitional ones.

Potts(1905-1910) 712

712. For thee have I seen righteous in this generation. That this signifies that he had good whereby he might be regenerated, was stated and shown at the ninth verse of the preceding chapter. In that place "righteous" or "just" signifies the good of charity; and "perfect" the truth of charity. It is there said "generations" in the plural, because things of the understanding are treated of; and here, "generation" in the singular, because things of the will are treated of. For the will comprehends in itself the things of the understanding, but the understanding does not comprehend in itself those of the will.

Elliott(1983-1999) 712

712. 'For I have seen you to be a righteous man in this generation means possessing good by which he could be regenerated. This has been stated and shown at verse g of the previous chapter. There 'righteous' means the good which belongs to charity, and 'upright' the truth which belongs to it. There they were 'generations' because things of the understanding were the subject, but here it is 'a generation' because those of the will are the subject. For the will embraces things of the understanding, but the understanding does not embrace those of the will.

Latin(1748-1756) 712

712. 'Quia te vidi justum in generatione hac': quod significet bonum habere, per quod regenerari posset, cap. praec. ad vers. 9 dictam et ostensum est; ibi 'justus' significat bonum charitatis,, et 'integer' verum charitatis: ibi 'generationes,' quia de intellectualibus; hic 'generatio,' quia de voluntariis; voluntas enim comprehendit in se intellectualia, non intellectus voluntaria.

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