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属天的奥秘 第7124节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7124

7124. And the taskmasters of the people went out, and their officers. That this signifies the sending forth and presence of those who most closely infest, and of those who most closely receive, is evident from the signification of "going out," as being a sending forth, because they who are signified by "taskmasters" are sent forth in order to serve as a means of communication, as can be seen from what was said above (n. 7111); moreover, that "to go out" denotes to present oneself before another in a form accommodated to him, see n. 5337; therefore it also denotes presence; from the signification of "taskmasters," as being those who most closely infest; and from the signification of "officers," as being those who most closely receive and communicate the infestations (n. 7111).

Elliott(1983-1999) 7124

7124. 'And the taskmasters of the people and their officers went out' means the sending out [and presence] of those in the nearest position to molest and those in the nearest position to receive. This is clear from the meaning of 'going out' as a sending out, for those meant by 'the taskmasters' are sent out to serve as a channel of communication, as may be seen from what has been stated above in 7111 ('coming out' or 'going out' also means making oneself present before another in a form suited to this other, see 5337, and so means presence as well); from the meaning of 'the taskmasters' as those who are in the nearest position to molest, and from that of 'the officers' as those who are in the nearest position to receive the molestations and pass them on, both of which groups are dealt with in 7111.

Latin(1748-1756) 7124

7124. `Et exiverunt exactores populi et moderatores ejus': quod significet emissionem [et praesentiam] illorum qui proxime infestant, et qui proxime recipiunt, constat ex significatione `exire' quod sit emissio, quia illi qui per `exactores' significantur {1} emittuntur ut inserviant pro medio communicandi, ut constare potest ab illis quae supra n. 7111 dicta sunt; quod `exire' etiam sit se sistere praesentem coram alio in forma ei accommodata, videatur n. (x)5337, ita quoque est praesentia; ex significatione `exactorum' quod sint qui proxime infestant; et ex significatione `moderatorum' quod sint qui infestationes proxime recipiunt et communicant, de quibus n. 7111. @1 i a pluribus$

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