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属天的奥秘 第7160节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7160

7160. Jehovah look upon you, and judge. That this signifies the Divine disposal, is evident from the signification of "let Jehovah look and judge," as being the Divine disposal, for that which Jehovah sees and judges, He disposes. By "looking" is signified the Divine perception, properly foresight; and by "judging" is signified the Divine ordering, properly providence. Because these things are signified by these words in the internal sense, it was customary to say, when evil happened by anyone's fault, "Let Jehovah look and judge."

Elliott(1983-1999) 7160

7160. 'Let Jehovah see you and judge' means Divine disposal. This is clear from the meaning of 'let Jehovah see and judge' as Divine disposal, for what Jehovah sees and judges He disposes. 'Seeing' means Divine perception, or Foresight to be exact, while 'judging' means Divine bringing into order, His Providence to be exact. Since these things are meant in the internal sense by those words it was customary, when someone was at fault for evil that occurred, to say, Let Jehovah see and judge.

Latin(1748-1756) 7160

7160. `Videat Jehovah super vos, et judicet': quod significet Divinam dispositionem, constat ex significatione `videat Jehovah, et judicet' quod sit Divina dispositio, quod enim videt Jehovah et judicat, hoc disponit; per `videre' enim significatur Divina perceptio, proprie praevidentia; et per `judicare' significatur Divina ordinatio, proprie Providentia; quia illa significantur in sensu interno per ea verba, sollemne fuit dicere quando alicujus culpa contingeret malum, `videat Jehovah, et judicet.'

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