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属天的奥秘 第7162节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7162

7162. To put a sword into their hand to slay us. That this signifies that hence they have so great an ardor to destroy the truths of the church by means of falsities, is evident from the signification of a "sword," as being falsity combating and vastating (see n. 2799, 6353, 7102); and from the signification of "slaying," as being to destroy the things of faith and charity n. 6767). The things of faith and charity are signified by the "sons of Israel," of whom it is said that they should be "slain;" for the essentials of the spiritual church, which is signified by the "sons of Israel" (n. 6637), are charity and faith.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7162

7162. 'To put a sword in their hand to kill us' means that consequently such a burning desire to destroy the Church's truths by means of falsities exists in them. This is clear from the meaning of 'a sword' as falsity engaged in conflict and laying waste, dealt with in 2799, 6353, 7102; and from the meaning of 'killing' as destroying aspects of faith and charity, dealt with in 6767. Aspects of faith and charity are meant by 'the children of Israel', the ones who it says would be killed. For the essential elements of the spiritual Church, which is meant by 'the children of Israel', 6637, are charity and faith.

Latin(1748-1756) 7162

7162. `Ad dandum gladium in manum illorum ad occidendum nos': quod significet quod inde tantus illis ardor per falsa destruendi vera Ecclesiae, constat ex significatione `gladii' quod sit falsum pugnans et vastans {1}, de qua n. 2799, 6353, 7102; et ex significatione `occidere' quod sit destruere illa quae fidei et charitatis sunt, de qua n. 6767; quae fidei et charitatis sunt significantur per `filios Israelis,' de quibus dicitur quod occiderentur; nam essentialia Ecclesiae spiritualis, quae significatur per filios Israelis, n. (x)6637, sunt charitas et fides. @1 i vera$

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