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属天的奥秘 第7163节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7163

7163. Verses 22, 23. And Moses returned unto Jehovah, and said, Lord, wherefore hast Thou done evilly to this people? Why is this that Thou hast sent me? For since I came unto Pharaoh to speak in Thy name, he hath done evilly to this people; and liberating Thou hast not liberated Thy people. "And Moses returned unto Jehovah, and said," signifies complaint from the law Divine; "Lord, wherefore hast Thou done evilly to this people?" signifies that they who are in truths and goods are too much infested by falsities; "why is this that Thou hast sent me?" signifies when yet the law proceeding from the Divine seems to say otherwise; "for since I came unto Pharaoh to speak in Thy name, "thy name" signifies when the command from the things of the law Divine appeared to those who are in falsities; "he hath done evilly to this people," signifies that then through the injected falsities those who are in the truths and goods of the church seemed to be injured; "and liberating Thou hast not liberated Thy people," signifies that they were not released from a state of infestations by falsities.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7163

7163. Verses 22,23 And Moses returned to Jehovah and said, Lord, why have You done ill to this people? Why is this, that You have sent me? And since I came to Pharaoh to speak in Your name, he has done ill to this people; and You have not delivered Your people at all.

'And Moses returned to Jehovah and said' means complaint from the law of God. 'Lord, why have You done ill to this people?' means that those governed by truths and forms of good are molested excessively by falsities. 'Why is this, that You have sent me?' means when yet the law going forth from God seems to promise something different. 'And since I came to Pharaoh to speak in Your name' means when the command based on matters contained in the law of God presented itself to those steeped in falsities. 'He has done ill to this people' means that at that time those governed by the Church's truths and forms of good seemingly suffered harm from the falsities that had been introduced. 'And You have not delivered Your people at all' means that they have not been released from the state of molestations by falsities.

Latin(1748-1756) 7163

7163. Vers. 22, 23. Et reversus Moscheh ad Jehovam, et dixit, Domine, quare malefecisti populo huic? quare hoc, misisti me? Et ex quo veni ad Pharaonem ad loquendum in nomine Tuo, malefecit populo isti, et liberando non liberasti populum Tuum. `Et reversus Moscheh ad Jehovam, et dixit' significat querimoniam ex lege Divina: `Domine, quare malefecisti populo huic?' significat quod illi qui in veris et bonis nimium infestentur a falsis: `quare hoc, misisti me?' significat cum tamen lex (c)a Divino (x)procedens videatur aliter dicere: `et ex quo veni ad Pharaonem ad loquendum in nomine Tuo' significat cum mandatum ex illis quae legis Divinae sunt appareret illis qui in falsis: `malefecit populo huic' significat quod tunc per injecta falsa viderentur laedi illi qui in Ecclesiae veris et bonis: `et liberando non liberasti populum Tuum' (x)significat quod e statu infestationum a falsis non exempti.

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