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属天的奥秘 第726节


726、“使种存活于全地面上”表示信之真理。这从以下事实清楚可知:种通过该教会而得以存活,因为“种”表示信。上古教会的其他后代通过污秽的欲望和可怕的说服摧毁了他们里面的属天和属灵之种。但为了防止属天之种灭绝,那些被称为挪亚的人重生了,是通过属灵之种重生的。这就是这些话的含义。“存活”这个词说的是那些接受主之生命的人,因为生命只存在于那些属于主的事物里面,谁都能从以下事实清楚知道这一点,即:那些不属于永生,或不关注永生的事物里面决没有生命。非永恒的生命不是生命,而是转瞬即逝。存在(Being 或Esse)也不能归于终结之物,而是归于永不终结之物。因此,生命与存在只存在于那些属于主,或耶和华的事物里面,因为一切存在与永生都是祂的。永生是指永恒的幸福;关于这些问题,可参看前面的阐述和说明(290节)。

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New Century Edition

[NCE]726. The symbolism of to keep their seed alive on the face of the whole earth as the truth that faith espouses can be seen from the fact that it was through this church that life was given to the seed, the seed meaning faith. All the other descendants of the earliest church destroyed the heavenly and spiritual seed in themselves by their foul appetites and appalling delusions. So that the heavenly seed would not die out, though, the people referred to as Noah were regenerated, and this was accomplished by means of spiritual seed. These are the things symbolized.
Those who receive the Lord's life are said to be given life, or kept alive, because only attributes of the Lord's have life in them. Anyone can see so from this idea, that no life at all attaches to things that have no connection with eternal life or that do not look to eternal life. Life that is not eternal is not life; in a short time it ends. Neither is Being an attribute of anything that ceases to be, only of things that never cease to be.{*1} So life and Being inhabit only those things that are the Lord's, or Jehovah's, because all Being and all eternal life are his.
By eternal life I mean eternal happiness.
See the remarks and illustrations on this topic at 290.

{*1} On Being, see note 1 in 630. [RS]

Potts(1905-1910) 726

726. To keep seed alive upon the faces of the whole earth. That this signifies truths of faith, is evident from the seed being kept alive by this church. By "seed" is meant faith. The rest of the descendants of the Most Ancient Church destroyed the celestial and spiritual seed within them, by foul cupidities and direful persuasions. But that celestial seed might not perish, they who are called "Noah" were regenerated, and this by means of spiritual seed. These are the things which are signified. Those are said to be "kept alive" who receive the Lord's life, because life is in those things only which are of the Lord, as must be evident to everyone from the fact that there is no life in those things which are not of eternal life, or which do not look to eternal life. Life that is not eternal is not life, but in a brief time perishes. Nor can being [esse] be predicated of things that cease to be, but only of those that never cease to be. Thus living and being are within those things only which are of the Lord, or Jehovah; because all being and living, to eternity, is of Him. By eternal life is meant eternal happiness, respecting which see what was said and shown above (n. 290).

Elliott(1983-1999) 726

726. 'Keeping seed alive over the facea of all the earth' means truths of faith. This is clear from the fact that by means of this Church the seed was kept alive, 'seed' being used to mean faith. The rest of the descendants of the Most Ancient Church destroyed celestial and spiritual seed by means of filthy desires and dreadful persuasions residing with them. But to guard against the extinction of celestial seed those called Noah were regenerated; and they were regenerated by means of spiritual seed. This is the meaning of these words. The expression 'kept alive' is used of those who receive the Lord's life, because life consists solely in those things that are the Lord's, as may become clear to anyone from the fact that no life in any sense resides in those things which are not part of eternal life, that is, which do not look to eternal life. Life that is not eternal is not life, but perishes in a very short space of time. Nor can Being (Esse) be attributed to things that come to an end, but to those that never come to an end. Life and Being (Esse) therefore reside solely in things that are the Lord's, or Jehovah's, for all Being (Esse) and living to eternity is His. By eternal life is meant eternal happiness. For these matters see what has been stated and shown in 290.


a lit. over his face

Latin(1748-1756) 726

726. 'Ad vivificandum semen super faciebus totius terrae': quod significent vera fidei, constat ex eo quod per hanc Ecclesiam vivificatum sit semen; per 'semen' intelligitur fides; posteritas cetera Ecclesiae Antiquissimae semen caeleste et spirituale per foedas cupiditates et per diras persuasiones apud se perdidit; ne autem semen caeleste periret, regenerati sunt qui Noahus vocantur, et quidem per semen spirituale; haec sunt quae significantur. 'Vivificari' dicuntur qui vitam Domini accipiunt, quia in illis quae sunt Domini, solum est vita; ut cuique constare potest ex eo quod nusquam aliqua vita sit in iis quae non sunt vitae aeternae seu quae non spectant vita aeternam; vita quae non aeterna, non est vita, sed intra pauculum temporis perit; nec praedicari Esse potest de iis quae desinunt esse, sed de illis quae nusquam desinunt esse, ita solum vivere et Esse insunt illis quae sunt Domini seu Jehovae, quia omne Esse et vivere in aeternum est Ipsius: per vitam aeternam intelligitur felicitas aeterna: de quibus videantur quae dicta et ostensa, n. 290.

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