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属天的奥秘 第727节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]727. Genesis 7:4. "Because in seven more days I will be making rain fall on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will obliterate all substance that I have made from the face of the ground."
In seven days symbolizes the beginning of their inward trials. Rainfall symbolizes the trials themselves. Forty days and nights is a symbol for how long their trials last. Obliterating all substance that I have made from the face of the ground means that human self-sufficiency is obliterated, so to speak, when a person is reborn. The same words also symbolize the annihilation of those in the earliest church who destroyed themselves.

Potts(1905-1910) 727

727. Verse 4. For in yet seven days I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every substance that I have made will I destroy from off the faces of the ground. "In yet seven days" signifies the beginning of temptation; "to rain" signifies temptation; "forty days and nights" signifies the duration of temptation; "I will destroy every substance that I have made from off the faces of the ground" signifies the Own of man, which is as it were destroyed when he is being regenerated. The same words signify also the extinction of those of the Most Ancient Church who destroyed themselves.

Elliott(1983-1999) 727

727. Verse 4 For in seven days' time I am making it rain over the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe out everythinga I have made from over the faceb of the ground. 'Seven days' time' means the onset of temptation. 'Raining' means temptation. 'Forty days and nights' means the duration of temptation. 'Wiping out everythinga I have made from over the faceb of the ground' means man's proprium which is so to speak wiped out when he is being regenerated. The same statements also mean the wiping out of those members of the Most Ancient Church who destroyed themselves.


a lit. every substance
b lit. over the faces

Latin(1748-1756) 727

727. Vers. 4. Quia ad dies adhuc septem Ego pluere faciens super terram, quadraginta dies et quadraginta noctes, et delebo omnem substantiam, quam feci, a super faciebus humi. Per 'ad dies septem' significatur principium tentationis: per 'pluere' tentatio: per 'quadraginta dies et noctes' duratio tentationis: per 'delere omnem substantiam quam feci, a super faciebus humi' significatur hominis proprium quod quasi deletur cum regeneratur. Per eadem significatur etiam deletio eorum qui ab Antiquissima Ecclesia semet perdiderunt.

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