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属天的奥秘 第7261节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7261

7261. These names were given from heaven to the ancients who were of the church, and by those who were so named they understood those who were spiritually such. Their doctrine of charity taught who these were, and what kind of charity there was to be toward each.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7261

7261. These names had been supplied from heaven to the ancients who belonged to the Church, and the people called by these names they took to be those who were spiritually such. Their teachings about charity taught who exactly those people were and what charity should be like as exercised towards each one.

Latin(1748-1756) 7261

7261. Haec nomina e caelo data fuerunt antiquis qui ab Ecclesia, et per illos qui ita nominabantur intelligebant qui spiritualiter tales essent; doctrina illorum charitatis docebat quinam essent et {1}qualis esset erga unumquemvis charitas {2}. @1 qualiter$ @2 i exerceretur$

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