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属天的奥秘 第7260节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7260

7260. The names which they gave to those toward whom they were to exercise charity, were many; some they called blind, some lame, some maimed, some poor, also miserable and afflicted, some orphans, some widows; but in general they called those hungry to whom they were to give to eat, those thirsty to whom they were to give to drink, sojourners whom they were to gather in, naked whom they were to clothe, sick whom they were to visit, and in prison to whom they were to come (as to which see above, n. 4954-4959).

Elliott(1983-1999) 7260

7260. The names they gave to those towards whom they were to exercise charity were many. Some they called the blind, some the lame, and others the crippled; some they called the poor, as well as the wretched and afflicted, some orphans, and others widows. But in general they called them the hungry whom they were to feed, the thirsty to whom they were to give drink, strangers whom they were to take in, the naked whom they were to clothe, the sick whom they were to visit, and those in prison whom they were to go to. Regarding all these, see 4954-4959.

Latin(1748-1756) 7260

7260. Nomina quae indebant illis erga quos charitatem exercerent {1} erant plura; quosdam vocabant caecos, quosdam claudos, quosdam mancos, quosdam pauperes, tum miseros et afflictos, quosdam pupillos, quosdam viduas; in genere autem vocabant illos esurientes quibus darent edere, sitientes quibus darent bibere, peregrinos quos colligerent, nudos quos induerent, aegrotos quos visitarent, et in carcere ad quos venirent; de his videatur n. 4954-4959. @1 i, de quibus in suis classibus agebant,$

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