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属天的奥秘 第7295节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7295

7295. And Aaron cast his rod before Pharaoh and before his servants, and it became a water-serpent. That this signifies that mere fallacies and the derivative falsities would reign among them, is evident from the signification of "casting a rod," as being to show power (of which just above, n. 7292); from the representation of Pharaoh and his servants, as being those who infest by falsities; and from the signification of "water-serpents," as being fallacies and the consequent falsities (of which also just above, n. 7293). [2] This prophetic sign signifies the first warning to desist given to those who infest. For when the evil who in the other life infest the upright, first come there from the world, they have good spirits and angels adjoined to them, as when they lived as men in the body; for even evil men have also angels with them, in order that they may be able, if they will, to turn themselves to heaven, and to receive influx thence and be reformed. It is for this reason (everything of the life following them) that at first they are associated with angels. But when from their life in the world they are such that they cannot receive the influx of truth and good from heaven, then the angels and good spirits gradually recede from them; and as these recede, they become less and less rational; for to be rational comes through heaven from the Lord. [3] The first degree of the taking away and deprivation of the influx of truth and good is here described by the rod of Aaron being turned into a serpent, whereby is signified that mere fallacies would reign, and the falsities thence derived. The second degree is described by the waters of Egypt being turned into blood, whereby is signified that truths themselves were falsified. The third degree is that from the waters there crept forth frogs, whereby are signified reasonings from mere falsities; and so on. By such degrees also are the evil in the other life deprived of the understanding of truth and good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7295

7295. 'And Aaron threw down his rod in front of Pharaoh and his servants, and it was made into a water-serpent' means that sheer illusions and resulting falsities reigned among them. This is clear from the meaning of 'throwing down the rod' as demonstrating power, dealt with just above in 7292; from the representation of 'Pharaoh and his servants' as those who molest by means of falsities; and from the meaning of 'a water-serpent' as illusions and resulting falsities, dealt with just above in 7293.

[2] This wonder means the first warning given to those who molest to leave off. The situation with the evil who molest the upright in the next life is this: When they first enter that life from the world they have good spirits and angels attached to them, as they did when they were people living in the body; for even wicked people also have angels present with them, the reason being that they are then able to turn, if they will, towards heaven, receive what flows in from there, and be reformed. Consequently, since their life in its entirety follows them into the next life, they live initially in association with angels. But as they are by nature such, because of the life they led in the world, that they cannot receive the inflow of truth and goodness from heaven, the angels and good spirits then gradually depart from them. And as these depart, those people become less and less rational. For the ability to be rational comes from the Lord by way of heaven.

[3] The first stage in the removal and deprivation of the inflow of truth and goodness is what is described here by Aaron's rod being turned into a serpent, meaning that sheer illusions would reign, and falsities resulting from them. The second stage is described by the waters of Egypt being turned into blood, meaning that actual truths were falsified. The third stage is that of the frogs which crawled out of the waters, meaning reasonings based on utter falsities, and so on. By such stages too the evil in the next life are deprived of their understanding of what is true and good.

Latin(1748-1756) 7295

7295. `Et projecit Aharon baculum suum coram Pharaone et servis ejus, et factus in serpentem aqueum': quod significet quod merae fallaciae et inde falsa regnarent apud illos, constat ex significatione `projicere baculum' quod sit ostendere potentiam, de qua mox supra n. 7292; ex repraesentatione `Pharaonis et servorum illius' quod sint qui per falsa infestant {1}; et ex significatione `(x)serpentis aquei' quod sint {2} fallaciae et inde falsa, de qua {3} mox supra n. 7293. 2 Hoc prodigium significat primam admonitionem apud illos qui infestant, ut desistant; cum malis enim qui in altera vita infestant probos, ita se habet: primum cum illuc e mundo veniunt, habent sibi adjunctos spiritus bonos et {4} angelos sicut cum vixerunt homines in corpore, nam homines etiam mali habent quoque angelos {5} apud se, ex causa ut possint, si velint, vertere se ad caelum, et recipere influxum {6}inde, et reformari; inde est, {7}quia omne vitae sequitur, quod primum associati sint angelis; sed cum tales sunt ex vita in mundo, ut recipere influxum veri et boni e caelo non possint, tunc angeli et spiritus boni per gradus ab illis recedunt; et sicut illi recedunt, ita minus et minus rationales fiunt; {8}rationales enim esse est per 3 caelum a Domino; primus gradus ablationis {9}et deprivationis influxus veri et boni est qui hic describitur per `baculum Aharonis versum in serpentem,' per quod significatur quod merae fallaciae regnarent, et inde falsa; secundus gradus describitur per `aquas Aegypti versas in sanguinem,' per quod significatur quod ipsa vera falsificata sint; tertius gradus est quod `ex aquis prorepserint ranae,' {10}per quod significantur ratiocinia ex meris falsis, et sic porro; per tales etiam gradus mali in altera vita deprivantur {11}intellectu veri et boni. @1 i, de qua prius$ @2 i merae$ @3 i etiam$ @4 i quoque$ @5 i e coelo$ @6 d inde i e coelo$ @7 quod quoque in altera vita cum primum e mundo veniunt, angelos sibi adjunctos habeant$ @8 rationalis$ @9 seu$ @10 significat$ @11 intellectuali$

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