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属天的奥秘 第7299节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7299

7299. And Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods. That this signifies that this power was taken away from them, is evident from the signification of "swallowing up," as being to take away; and from the signification of a "rod," as being power (see above, n. 7292). Moreover from the magicians in the other life there is taken away the power to abuse order and to pervert its laws. This is done in two ways, one being that by the Lord's Divine power the angels annihilate their magical productions, and this when they employ them to do evil to the upright (the angelic power from the Lord being so great that it instantly dissipates all such things); and the other is that the magic is altogether taken away from them, so that they can no longer exhibit anything of the kind.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7299

7299. 'And Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods' means that this power was taken away from them. This is clear from the meaning of swallowing up' as taking away; and from the meaning of 'rod' as power, dealt with above in 7292. From magicians in the next life too the power to misuse order and pervert its laws is removed, in a two-fold manner - 1 The angels, with the Lord's Divine power, cancel the magicians' magic spells, when these are cast to do ill to the upright. The angels' power from the Lord is so great that all such spells are instantly undone. 2 Magic is removed from them altogether, so that they can no longer accomplish anything of the sort.

Latin(1748-1756) 7299

7299. (x) `Et deglutivit baculus Aharonis baculos illorum': quod significet quod ea potentia illis adempta sit, constat ex significatione `deglutire' quod sit adimere; et ex significatione `baculi' quod sit potentia, de qua supra n. 7292; magis etiam in altera vita {1}aufertur potentia abutendi ordine et pervertendi leges ejus, duplici modo, uno, quod angeli ex potentia Divina Domini magica illorum annihilent, et hoc {2}quando illa ad faciendum probis malum exercent; angelica potentia a Domino {3}tanta est ut dissipet momento omnia talia; altero, quod illis {4}magicum prorsus auferatur, sic ut {5}non possint amplius aliquid tale {6} sistere. @1 After modo$ @2 quoties$ @3 talis$ @4 magica prorsus auferantur$ @5 After amplius$ @6 i magi$

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