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属天的奥秘 第7426节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7426

7426. And the magicians did so with their enchantments, to bring forth lice. That this signifies an endeavor to pervert Divine order, and to portray the like in these things also, is evident from the signification of "they did," as being an endeavor to do the same thing, for it follows that "they could not;" from the signification of "magicians" and "enchantments," as being to pervert Divine order and to portray the like in the external form (see n. 7296, 7297, 7337); and from the signification of "bringing forth lice," as being to produce the evils signified by the "lice" (n. 7419).

Elliott(1983-1999) 7426

7426. 'And the magicians did the same with their enchantments to bring forth lice' means the endeavour to pervert Divine order and produce something that looked the same in these things also. This is clear from the meaning of 'did' as the endeavour to achieve the same thing, for it goes on to say that they could not in fact achieve it; from the meaning of 'the magicians' and 'enchantments' as perverting Divine order and producing something similar to outward appearance, dealt with in 7296, 7297, 7337; and from the meaning of 'bringing forth lice' as producing the evils that are meant by 'lice', dealt with in 7419.

Latin(1748-1756) 7426

7426. `Et fecerunt ita magi incantationibus suis ad educendum pediculos': quod significet conatum pervertendi ordinem Divinum et effigiandi simile in his quoque, constat ex significatione `fecerunt' quod sit conatus simile agendi, nam sequitur quod non potuerunt; ex significatione `magorum' et `incantationum' quod {1}sint pervertere ordinem Divinum et effigiare simile in externa forma, de qua n. 7296, 7297, 7337; et ex significatione `educere pediculos' quod sit producere illa mala quae per `pediculos' significantur, de qua n. 7419. @1 sit$

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