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属天的奥秘 第7452节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7452

7452. And said, Go ye, sacrifice to your God in the land. That this signifies that they would not oppose their worshiping their God, but it must be done in their neighborhood, is evident from the signification of "he said, Go ye," as being that they would not oppose; from the signification of "sacrificing," as being to worship (of which above, n. 7393); and from the signification of "in the land," that is, in the land of Egypt, as being in their neighborhood. That "in the land" denotes in their neighborhood, is plain from the answer of Moses, that it was not meet to do so, for they would sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians before their eyes, but that they would go a way of three days into the wilderness, and sacrifice to Jehovah their God; and also from the reply of Pharaoh, that they should not go very far away (verses 21-23). Thus by "the land" in the internal sense is meant where they are who are in falsities and infest, concerning whose nearness see n. 7090.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7452

7452. 'And said, Go, sacrifice to your God in the land' means that they would not stand in the way of their worshipping their God, provided that they did so in a place near them. This is clear from the meaning of 'said, Go' as their not standing in the way; from the meaning of 'sacrificing' as worshipping, dealt with above in 7393; and from the meaning of 'in the land' - the land of Egypt - as in a place nearby. The meaning of 'in the land' as in a place nearby is evident from verses 21-24, from Moses' reply that it would be ill-advised for them to do so, for they would be sacrificing the abomination of the Egyptians before their eyes, but that they should go a three days' journey into the wilderness and sacrifice to Jehovah their God; and also from Pharaoh's reply that they should certainly not go far away. Thus 'the land' is used to mean in the internal sense the place where those steeped in falsities and engaging in molestation are, regarding whose nearness, see 7090.

Latin(1748-1756) 7452

7452. `Et dixit, Ite, sacrificate Deo vestro in terra': quod significet quod non obstarent quin colant Deum suum, sed in propinquitate apud illos, constat ex significatione `dixit, Ite' quod sit quod non obstarent; ex significatione `sacrificare' quod sit colere, de qua supra n. 7393; et ex significatione `in terra,' nempe in terra Aegypti, quod sit in propinquitate; quod `in terra' sit in propinquitate, patet a responso Moschis quod non consultum esset facere ita, quia abominationem Aegyptiorum sacrificarent ad oculos illorum, sed quod viam trium dierum irent in desertum, et sacrificarent Jehovae Deo suo; {1}tum a responso Pharaonis quod elongando non elongarent se ad (x)eundum vers. 21-23[,24]; ita per terram in sensu (m)interno intelligitur ubi illi qui in falsis et infestant, {2}de quorum propinquitate {3}, videatur n. 7090.(n) @1 sed$ @2 quod illi in$ @3 i sint$

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