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属天的奥秘 第7476节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7476

7476. The spirits of Mars are among those who are the best of all from the earths of this solar system, for they are mostly celestial men, not unlike those who were of the Most Ancient Church on this earth (of whom see above, n. 1114-1125, and elsewhere). When their quality is represented, they are represented with the face in heaven and the body in the world of spirits; and those of them who are angels, with the face toward the Lord and the body in heaven.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7476

7476. Among the spirits who originate from the planets in our solar system those from Mars are the best of all. For the most part they are celestial people, not unlike those belonging to the Most Ancient Church on our planet, who were the subject in 1114-1125, and other places. When a representation is made of what those spirits are like, they are represented face in heaven and body in the world of spirits. And those of them who are angels are represented face towards the Lord and body in heaven.

Latin(1748-1756) 7476

7476. Martis spiritus sunt, inter spiritus qui ex telluribus mundi hujus solis sunt, omnium optimi, sunt enim quoad plurem partem caelestes homines, non absimiles illis qui ab Antiquissima Ecclesia in hac tellure fuerunt, de quibus n. 1114-1125, et alibi. Quando repraesentantur quales sunt, repraesentantur facie in caelo, et corpore in mundo spirituum; et qui eorum angeli sunt, facie versus Dominum, et corpore in caelo.

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