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属天的奥秘 第7477节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7477

7477. More than other spirits they acknowledge and adore our Lord; they say that He is the only God, and that He rules both heaven and the universe, and that all good is from Him; they said that it is the Lord who leads them, and that He also frequently appears to them in their earth. That the Lord rules both heaven and the universe is a truth known also to Christians in this earth from His words in Matthew:

All power has been given unto Me in heaven and on earth (Matt. 28:18);

but they do not so believe it as do those who are from the earth Mars.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7477

7477. In their acknowledgement and adoration of our Lord they excel other spirits. They say that He is the only God, that He rules both heaven and the material universe, and that He is the author of everything good. They have said that the Lord is the One who leads them, and that He also appears quite often among them on their planet. The truth that the Lord rules both heaven and the material universe is known to Christians on our planet too from the Lord's words in Matthew,

All power in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Matt 28:18.

But Christians do not believe this as those belonging to the planet Mars do.

Latin(1748-1756) 7477

7477. Dominum nostrum prae aliis spiritibus {1} agnoscunt et adorant; dicunt quod Ipse sit solus Deus, et quod Ipse regat et caelum et universum; quodque omne bonum ab Ipso sit; dicebant quod Dominus sit Qui illos ducit; et quod etiam apud illos in (c)illorum tellure saepius appareat. Quod Dominus regat et caelum et (m)universum, hoc etiam Christiani in hac tellure norunt ex Domini verbis apud Matthaeum, Data est Mihi omnis potestas in caelo et in terra, xxviii 18;

sed id non credunt sicut illi qui ex tellure Martis.(n) @1 i etiam$

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