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属天的奥秘 第7479节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7479

7479. I have spoken with some from that earth about the faith of those who dwell there. They said that they there believe that there is nothing in them but what is filthy and infernal, and that all good is of the Lord. They even said further that of themselves they are devils, and that the Lord draws them out and continually withholds them from hell. They wondered that so many evil spirits were about me, and also spoke to me; but it was given me to answer that this is permitted them for the purpose that I may thus know their quality, and why they are in hell, and that this is according to their life. It was also given me to say that there were some among them whom I had known when they lived in the world, and that they had then been in stations of great dignity, although nothing but the world was in their hearts; but that no evil spirit, even the most infernal, can do me any harm, because I am continually protected by the Lord.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7479

7479. I have talked to some from that planet about what people there believe. They said that people there believe that they have nothing within themselves except what is filthy and from hell, and that anything good is the Lord's. Indeed they went further than that, saying that left to themselves they are devils but that the Lord pulls them out of hell and constantly holds them back from it. They were astonished that I had so many evil spirits around me and also that these talked to me. But I was led to reply that they were allowed to be there in order that I might get to know what they were like and why they were in hell, and to know that their character and lot was due to the life they lived. I was also led to say that a number of these evil spirits were people whom I had been acquainted with when they lived in the world, during which time they had been appointed to high office yet had set their hearts on the world and nothing else. But, I added, no evil spirit, not even the most hellish, could ever do me harm since I was under the Lord's constant protection.

Latin(1748-1756) 7479

7479. Locutus sum cum aliquibus {1}ex illa tellure de fide illorum ibi; dicebant quod ibi credant quod apud illos nihil nisi quam spurcum et infernale sit, et quod omne bonum sit Domini; immo dicebant amplius quod ex se sint diaboli, et quod Dominus ab inferno illos extrahat, et continue {2}detineat. Mirati sunt quod circum me essent tot mali spiritus, et quod illi ad me quoque loquerentur; sed respondere datum est quod hoc illis permittatur, ob causam ut inde {1}sciam quales sunt, et cur in inferno sunt, et quod hoc sit secundum vitam (c)illorum; etiam dicere datum est quod plures inter illos essent quos cognoveram (d)cum vixerunt in mundo, et quod tunc in magna (x)dignitate constituti {2}fuerint, quibus tunc nihil nisi quam mundus cordi fuit; sed quod nusquam aliquis malus spiritus, etiam maxime infernalis, mihi damnum inferre possit, quia continue tutatus a Domino. @1 scirem$ @2 sint$

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