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属天的奥秘 第7478节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7478

7478. Once when the Lord was mentioned, I saw that those spirits humbled themselves so inmostly and profoundly that it cannot be described, for in their humiliation they had the thought that of themselves they are in hell, and that thus they are altogether unworthy to look to the Lord, who is the Holy itself. They were so profoundly in this thought from faith that they were as it were out of themselves, and in it they remained on their knees until the Lord lifted them up, and then as it were drew them out from hell. When they thus emerge from humiliation, they are full of good and of love, and hence of joy of heart. When they so humble themselves they do not turn the face to the Lord, for this they dare not then do, but turn it away. The spirits who were around me said that they never saw such humiliation.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7478

7478. Once when the Lord was mentioned I saw that those spirits adopted a humbled attitude, so deep and profound as to be indescribable. For in their humility their thought was that if left to themselves they were in hell, which being so they were totally unworthy of setting eyes on the Lord, who is Holiness itself. This thought arising from their belief affected them so profoundly that they were so to speak beside themselves, and it kept them on their knees until the Lord raised them up and so to speak pulled them out of hell. When they accordingly rise from that humbled condition those spirits are full of goodness and love, and consequently of heartfelt joy. But when they adopt that humbled attitude they do not, because they dare not, turn their faces to the Lord; instead they turn them away. Spirits who were around me said that they had never seen any humility like it.

Latin(1748-1756) 7478

7478. Quondam cum nominabatur Dominus, vidi quod spiritus illi humiliarent se tam intime et {1} profunde ut describi nequeat; in humiliatione enim eorum erat illis cogitatio, quod illi ex se in inferno sint, et quod sic prorsus indigni ut spectent ad Dominum, Qui Ipsum Sanctum est; in illa cogitatione ex fide ita profunde {2}erant, ut essent quasi extra se, inque illa {3}permanserunt super genubus, usque dum Dominus elevaret illos, et tunc quasi extraheret ab inferno; cum sic ex humiliatione emergunt, sunt pleni bono et amore, et inde gaudio cordis. Cum ita se humiliant, non faciem convertunt ad Dominum, hoc enim tunc non audent, sed {4}avertunt. Spiritus qui circum me erant dicebant quod talem humiliationem nusquam viderint. @1 i tam$ @2 sunt, ut sint$ @3 permanent$ @4 aversi$

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