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属天的奥秘 第7481节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7481

7481. And because they have such a relation in the Grand Man, that middle province of the brain which is between the cerebrum and the cerebellum corresponds to them. For with those with whom the cerebrum and the cerebellum have been conjoined in respect to spiritual operations, the face acts as a one with the thought, so that from the face the very affection of the thought shines forth; and from the affection, with some signs also going forth from the eyes, the general of the thought shines forth; and therefore when they were near me, I sensibly noticed a drawing back of the front part of the head toward the hinder part, thus of the cerebrum toward the cerebellum.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7481

7481. As this is what they correlate with in the Grand Man, that province lying between the cerebrum and the cerebellum corresponds to them. For with those whose cerebrum and cerebellum have been linked together so far as spiritual activities are concerned, the face acts in unison with thought, so that the affection itself which lies behind the thought shines from the face; and from the affection, together with certain signals given by the eyes as well, a general indication of the thought is given. That explains why, when those spirits were close by me, I had a distinct feeling that the front part of my head was being pulled towards the back part, thus the cerebrum towards the cerebellum.

Latin(1748-1756) 7481

7481. Et quia illud in Maximo Homine referunt, provincia illa media quae est inter cerebrum et cerebellum illis correspondet; nam apud quos {1}cerebrum et cerebellum conjuncta sunt quoad operationes spirituales, apud illos facies unum agit eum cogitatione, sic ut {2}e facie ipsa affectio cogitationis eluceat, et ex affectione, aliquibus signis ex oculis quoque prodeuntibus, commune cogitationis. Quapropter cum prope apud me essent, sensibiliter appercepi retractionem anterioris partis capitis versus occiput, ita cerebri versus cerebellum. @1 illa$ @2 in$

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