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属天的奥秘 第7482节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7482

7482. Once when the spirits of Mars were with me, and occupied the sphere of my mind, spirits from our earth came near and wished to infuse themselves also into that sphere; but then the spirits of our earth became as if insane, because they did not at all agree. For the spirits of our earth look to themselves and the world, thus they are in an idea turned to themselves; but the spirits of Mars look to heaven, thus to the Lord and their neighbor, and hence are in an idea turned away from themselves. From this cause there is contrariety. But then came near some angelic spirits of Mars, by whose coming the communication was taken away; and so the spirits of our earth retired.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7482

7482. Once when Martian spirits were present with me and occupying my mental sphere spirits from our own planet arrived, wishing to place themselves too within that sphere. But these spirits belonging to our planet then became seemingly insane, for the reason that they were altogether unsuited to it. For spirits belonging to our planet have self and the world in view, and so their thought is directed towards themselves, whereas spirits belonging to Mars have heaven, thus the Lord and the neighbour in view, and therefore their thought is directed away from themselves. Consequently they have a conflicting outlook. But at that point angelic spirits belonging to Mars arrived, as a result of which communication was taken away, and so the spirits belonging to our planet departed.

Latin(1748-1756) 7482

7482. Quondam cum spiritus Martis apud me essent et occuparent sphaeram mentis meae, adveniebant spiritus e nostra tellure, et se quoque in sphaeram illam infundere volebant; sed tunc spiritus nostrae telluris facti sunt sicut insani, ex causa quia prorsus non conveniunt; spiritus enim nostrae telluris (m)spectant semet et mundum, ita {1}sunt in idea versa ad se; spiritus autem Martis spectant caelum, ita Dominum et proximum, inde {1}sunt in idea versa a se;(n) {2}ex eo est contrarietas; sed tunc adveniebant spiritus angelici Martis, ex quorum adventu communicatio {3}adempta est; et sic spiritus nostrae telluris recesserunt. @1 After se$ @2 inde$ @3 demta$

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