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属天的奥秘 第7483节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7483

7483. There was presented to me an inhabitant of that earth: his face was like that of the inhabitants of our earth, but the lower part of the face was black, not from a beard, which they have not, but from blackness in place of it. This is also from correspondence. The blackness extended itself on both sides up to the ears. The upper part of the face was yellowish, like the faces of the inhabitants of our earth who are not quite white.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7483

7483. I had an inhabitant of that planet presented to me. His face was like that of inhabitants of our planet, but the lower part was black, though not because of a beard, which those people do not possess, but because of a blackness there instead. This too is a matter of correspondence. That blackness reached round both sides up to under the ears. The Upper part of the face was yellowish, like the faces of inhabitants of our planet who are not altogether white.

Latin(1748-1756) 7483

7483. {1}Sistebatur mihi incola telluris illius; erat facie simili faciei incolarum nostrae telluris, sed regio inferior faciei erat nigra, non ex barba, quam non habent, sed ex nigredine loco illius; hoc quoque ex correspondentia; nigredo illa se usque sub aures utrinque extendebat; superior pars faciei erat flavescens, sicut facies incolarum nostrae telluris qui non prorsus candidi sunt. @1 Sistebantur mihi incolae telluris illius ut viderem quali facie essent; erant$

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