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属天的奥秘 第7546节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7546

7546. And smite thee and thy people with pestilence. That this signifies thus total devastation, is evident from the signification of "pestilence," as being the vastation of good and truth (see n. 7505); here total devastation, because it is said that Pharaoh and his people would be smitten with it; but before (verse 3), that the cattle would be smitten, and therefore in that verse by "pestilence" is not signified total devastation, but vastation in general as to the things that belong to the truth and good of the church, and to those which are outside of it.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7546

7546. 'And strike you and your people with pestilence' means so that total devastation would be effected. This is clear from the meaning of 'pestilence' as a laying waste of goodness and truth, dealt with in 7505, in this instance total devastation, since it says that 'Pharaoh and his people' would be struck by it, whereas previously in verse 3 it was only the livestock that would suffer. The pestilence at that point therefore does not mean total devastation but a general laying waste of the more external forms of the Church's truth and good.

Latin(1748-1756) 7546

7546. `Et percuterem te et' populum tuum peste': quod significet ita devastationem totalem, constat ex significatione `pestis' quod sit vastatio boni et veri, de qua n. 7505, hic devastatio totalis, quia dicitur quod `Pharao et populus ejus illa (x)percuterentur'; prius autem in (x)vers. 3 quod pecus; inde ibi per `pestem' non significatur devastatio totalis sed vastatio in communi quoad illa quae sunt veri et boni Ecclesiae, et quae extra sunt.

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