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属天的奥秘 第7548节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7548

7548. But yet for this cause have I made thee to stand. That this signifies that the communication would still remain, and they will pass through states by reason of order, is evident from the signification of "causing to stand," when it is said of the plagues or evils that these should not rush in all together (see n. 7541), and of the communication with heaven, that it should not be taken away from them (n. 7545), as being that the communication would still remain, consequently that they would pass through states by reason of order, that is, that they would be devastated by degrees successively (n. 7541).

Elliott(1983-1999) 7548

7548. 'But yet for this reason have I caused you to stand' means that nevertheless communication would continue, and states would run their orderly course. This is clear from the meaning of 'causing to stand' - when used in reference to plagues or evils, which will not rush in all together, 7541, and to communication or contact with heaven, which will not be taken away from them, 7545 - as a declaration that nevertheless communication would continue, and therefore that states would run their orderly course, that is, those people would experience devastation in successive stages, 7541.

Latin(1748-1756) 7548

7548. `Verum tamen propter hoc stare feci te': quod significet quod adhuc permaneret communicatio, et percurrerent status ex ordine, constat ex significatione `stare facere' cum dicitur de plagis seu malis, quod non simul irruerent, n. 7541, et de communicatione cum caelo, quod illis non adimeretur, n. 7545, quod sit quod adhuc permaneret communicatio, proinde quod percurrerent status ex ordine, hoc est, quod per gradus successive devastarentur, n. 7541.

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