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属天的奥秘 第7590节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7590

7590. Jehovah is just, and I and My people are wicked. That this signifies that Divine good could not endure the malice of those who infest, and that this is the consequence, is evident from the fact that "Jehovah" denotes the Divine good; for by "Jehovah" is meant the Divine Esse [being], which is Divine good, and by "God" the Divine Existere [coming forth], which is Divine truth (see n. 6905). Jehovah is called "just" because He cannot endure the malice of those who infest; for by "Pharaoh and his people" are signified those who infest; and by their "being wicked" is signified malice.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7590

7590. 'Jehovah is righteous, and I and my people are wicked' means that Divine Good could not tolerate the malevolence of the molesters, and that the current affliction had occurred as a result of this. This is clear from the consideration that Jehovah is Divine Good; for 'Jehovah' is used to mean the Divine Being (Esse), which is Divine Good, and 'God' to mean the Divine Coming-into-Being (Existere), which is Divine Truth, dealt with in 6905. Jehovah is said to be 'righteous' because He cannot tolerate the malevolence of molesters; for 'Pharaoh and his people' means those who engage in molestation, and malevolence is meant by their being 'wicked'.

Latin(1748-1756) 7590

7590. `Jehovah justus, et ego et populus meus improbi': quod significet quod Divinum Bonum non sufferre potuerit malitiam infestantium, et quod inde hoc, constat ex eo quod Jehovah sit Divinum Bonum, per `Jehovam' enim intelligitur Divinum Esse, quod est Divinum Bonum, et per `Deum' Divinum Existere, quod est Divinum Verum, de {1}qua n. 6905; `Jehovah justus' dicitur quia non sufferre potest malitiam infestantium; per `Pharaonem' enim et `populum ejus' significantur illi qui infestant; et per quod `improbi' sint malitia. @1 quo I$

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