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属天的奥秘 第7592节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7592

7592. For there hath been enough of voices of God and hail. That this signifies if these falsities were to cease, is evident from the signification of "there hath been enough," as being if they were to cease; from the signification of "voices of God," which are thunders, as being Divine truths which terrify and devastate the evil, and by their influx and presence excite the falsities of evil which are signified by the "hail" (see n. 7573). (That "hail" denotes falsities destroying truths, see n. 7553, 7574.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 7592

7592. 'There have been enough of voices and hail' means should those falsities come to an end. This is clear from the meaning of 'its being enough' as should they come to an end; from the meaning of 'voices', which are claps of thunder, as God's truths which frighten the evil and subject them to vastation, and which by flowing in and becoming present activate the falsities arising from evil that are meant by 'hail', dealt with in 7573, 'hail' being falsities that are destructive of truths, 7553, 7574.

Latin(1748-1756) 7592

7592. `Et satis ab esse voces et grando': quod significet si cessant falsa illa, constat a significatione `satis ab esse' quod sit si cessant; ex significatione `vocum quae tonitruum' quod sint vera Divina quae terrificant et devastant malos, (c)ac per influxum et praesentiam excitant falsa mali quae per `grandinem' significantur, de qua {1} n. 7573; quod `grando' sint falsa destruentia vera, videatur n. 7553, 7574. @1 i supra$

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