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属天的奥秘 第762节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]762. Spiritual struggles are little known today and are not permitted to the extent that they once were, since people are not under the guidance of religious truth and would consequently succumb. Instead there occur other experiences, such as misfortunes, sorrows, and anxieties rising from earthly and bodily causes; and there is physical illness and disease. To some extent these experiences still subdue and shatter our life of pleasure and desire, and they direct and raise our thoughts to profound and godly themes. But they are not spiritual tests. Spiritual tests cannot take place except with those who receive from the Lord a conscience concerning what is true and good. Conscience itself is the field in which those trials do their work.

Potts(1905-1910) 762

762. But spiritual temptations are little known at this day. Nor are they permitted to such a degree as formerly, because man is not in the truth of faith, and would therefore succumb. In place of these temptations there are others, such as misfortunes, griefs, and anxieties, arising from natural and bodily causes, and also sicknesses and diseases of the body, which in a measure subdue and break up the life of a man's pleasures and cupidities, and determine and uplift his thoughts to interior and religious subjects. But these are not spiritual temptations, which are experienced by those only who have received from the Lord a conscience of truth and good. Conscience is itself the plane of temptations, wherein they operate.

Elliott(1983-1999) 762

762. Spiritual temptations however are scarcely known nowadays, nor are they allowed to take place as they did in the past, because man is not governed by the truth of faith. If they did take place he would go under. Instead of temptations he undergoes other experiences, such as misfortune, grief, and anxiety which arise from natural or from bodily causes. There are also bodily illnesses and diseases, which to some extent weaken and break down the life of his pleasures and desires, and fix his thoughts on and raise them to higher and nobler things. But these are not spiritual temptations, which do not exist except among people who have received from the Lord a conscience for truth and good. Conscience itself is the level on which temptations take place.

Latin(1748-1756) 762

762. Sed tentationes spirituales parum hodie notae sunt, nec permittuntur ita ut olim, quia homo non in veritate fidei est, sic etenim succumberet; loco illarum sunt alia, ut infortunia, tristitiae et anxietates, quae a causis naturalibus et corporeis existunt, sicut etiam aegritudines corporis et morbi, quae usque vitam ejus voluptatum et cupiditatum aliquantum domant et frangunt, et cogitationes ad interiora et pia determinant et elevant; sed non sunt tentationes spirituales, quae non dantur nisi apud eos qui conscientiam veri et boni a Domino acceperunt; ipsa conscientia est planum illarum, in quod operantur.

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