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属天的奥秘 第7626节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7626

7626. From all this an idea can also be formed about the man of the church, as to what he is when with him faith is conjoined with charity, namely, that he is like a garden and a paradise; and what he is when with him faith is not conjoined with charity, namely, that he is like a desert and a land covered with snow.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7626

7626. All this too may be used to form an idea of what a member of the Church is like when his faith is combined with charity - he is like a garden, like a park. But when faith is not combined with charity, he is like a solitary waste, like land covered with snow.

Latin(1748-1756) 7626

7626. Ex his quoque idea formari potest de homine Ecclesiae, qualis ille quando apud illum conjuncta est fides charitati, quod nempe sit sicut hortus et paradisus; et qualis ille quando apud illum non conjuncta est fides charitati, quod nempe sit sicut desertum et terra nive obtecta.

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