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属天的奥秘 第7640节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7640

7640. How long dost thou refuse to be humbled before Me? That this signifies no obedience, is evident from the signification of "refusing to be humbled," as being not to obey. This is signified because it is said to those who are in evil, who cannot be humbled before the Divine; for there are two things in humiliation, namely, the acknowledgment of self, that it is nothing but evil, and that relatively to the Divine it is as nothing; and the acknowledgment of the Divine, that it is nothing but good, and is infinite. These two things are not possible with the evil, because they are in the love of self. If they humble themselves it is either from fear, or that they may be honored or enriched; thus they humble themselves only as to the body, and not as to the mind, which sometimes then jeers. Such is the humiliation of fear, and also that for the sake of gain and honor. Such it is before the Divine, although they do not know this; for the internal with those who are in evil from the love of self is solely to regard and magnify themselves, and to turn away from all who do not favor. As humiliation is not possible with the evil, therefore in the internal sense by "to be humbled" is signified obedience, and thus by "refusing to be humbled" is signified no obedience.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7640

7640. 'How long do you refuse to humble yourself before Me?' means disobedience. This is clear from the meaning of 'refusing to humble oneself' as not obeying. The reason why it means this is that the words here are addressed to those ruled by evil, who are incapable of humbling themselves before the Divine. For self-abasement involves the recognition of the following two things: That one is altogether evil, and in comparison with the Divine almost nothing, and that the Divine is altogether Good, and infinite. The recognition of these two things is not possible with the evil because they are full of self-love. If they do humble themselves, they act out of fear, or to the end that they may acquire important positions or make material gain. Thus when they humble themselves they do so merely with the body and not at all in the mind, which sometimes is mocking; such is the nature of self-abasement when prompted by fear or engaged in for the sake of making gain or attaining important positions. The same is true of the evil in the presence of God, though they are not aware of it. For inwardly those who are ruled by evil as a result of self-love regard and magnify only themselves; and they turn away from all who are not favourably disposed towards them. Since no self-abasement exists with the evil, obedience is meant in the internal sense by 'humbling yourself', and so disobedience by 'you refuse to humble yourself'.

Latin(1748-1756) 7640

7640. `Quousque renuis humiliari coram Me?': quod (x)significet non oboedientiam, constat ex significatione `renuere humiliari' quod sit non oboedire; causa quod id significetur, est quia dicitur ad illos qui in malo sunt, qui non possunt humiliari coram Divino; sunt enim duo quae insunt humiliationi, agnitio sui quod non sit nisi malum, et quod respective ad Divinum sit ut nihil, tum agnitio Divini quod non sit nisi Bonum, et quod infinitum; haec duo apud malos non {1}dari possunt, quia in amore sui sunt; si se humiliant, est vel ex timore, vel ut honorentur aut lucrentur, ita humiliant se {2}solum quoad corpus, (c)et nihil quoad animum, qui quandoque {3}tunc irridet; talis est humiliatio timoris, tum {4} propter lucrationem et honorationem {5}; simile {6} est coram Divino, tametsi hoc non sciunt; nam {7}internum apud illos qui in malo ex amore sui sunt est se solum intueri et magnifacere, et avertere se ab omnibus qui non favent; quia non datur humiliatio apud malos, inde in sensu interno per `humiliari' significatur oboedientia, ita per `renuis humiliari' non oboedientia. @1 fient$ @2 Before humiliant$ @3 irrident illos coram quibus se humiliant$ @4 i quae$ @5 i sui$ @6 i etiam$ @7 finis facit internum, internum est ut se solum intuentur et magnos faciunt etiam coram Divino, ast loco humiliationis datur apud illos obedientia ex timore quae obedientia est quoque externum; omne enim internum illorum qui in malo ex amore sui et (m)mundi sunt, non est nisi quam contra illa quae sunt amoris in Deum et erga proximum, sed in externis mentiuntur haec ex ritu Ecclesiae habito ab infantia et propter se(n)$

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