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属天的奥秘 第770节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]770. The symbolism of Noah's wife as the actual church and of his sons' three wives with them as the actual churches that developed out of that church can be seen from what was just said. The statement was that when the person of the church is mentioned by name, it means the all-in-all of the church or, as the expression goes, the head of the church.{*1} A wife is then the church, as shown earlier (252, 253).
Things are otherwise when the Word refers to either man and wife or male and female. The man or male then symbolizes intellectual concerns, or the truth that faith embraces, and the wife or female symbolizes the concerns of the will, or the good that faith urges.

{*1} The "head of the church" is an expression used in the Epistles to refer to Christ; see Ephesians 1:22-23; 5:23; Colossians 1:18. [LHC, LSW]

Potts(1905-1910) 770

770. That by Noah's "wife" is signified the church itself, and by the "three wives of his sons with them" the churches themselves that were derived from that church, is evident from what has been said before, namely, that when the man of the church is named, the all of the church is meant, or, as it is termed, the head of the church; and then his "wife" is the church itself, as shown before (n. 252, 253). It is otherwise when "man and wife" or "male and female" are named in the Word, for then by "man" and "male" are signified the things of the understanding, or the truths of faith; and by "wife" and "female" the things of the will, or the goods of faith.

Elliott(1983-1999) 770

770. 'Noah's wife' means the Church itself, and 'the three wives of his sons with them' the derivative Churches themselves. This is clear from what has been stated, that is to say, when the member of the Church is mentioned by name, the all of the Church is meant, or as it is called, the head of the Church. 'Wife' in that case is the Church, as shown already in 252, 253 It is different when 'man and wife' or 'male and female' are mentioned in the Word. In that case 'man' and 'male' mean things of the understanding, which are the truths of faith, while 'wife' and 'female' mean things of the will, which are the goods of faith.

Latin(1748-1756) 770

770. Quod per 'uxorem Noahi' significetur ipsa Ecclesia, et per 'tres uxores filiorum ejus cum illis' ipsae Ecclesiae inde, constat ex illis quae dicta sunt, nempe, cum homo Ecclesiae nominatur, quod sit omne Ecclesiae seu, ut appellatur, caput Ecclesiae; et tunc 'uxor' est Ecclesia, sicut prius ostensum, n. 252, 253; aliter cum in Verbo, vir et uxor, aut masculus et femina, tunc per 'virum et masculum' significantur intellectualia, seu vera fidei, et per 'uxorem et feminam' voluntaria, seu bona fidei.

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