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属天的奥秘 第771节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]771. Since every expression in the Word comes from the Lord, so that divinity dwells in each, it is clear that not a single word or even a single jot{*1} exists there that does not symbolize or suggest something deeper. This holds true for the fact that it mentions three wives here, calls them wives of his sons, and says with them. But revealing what each detail involves would take too long. It is enough merely to give a general picture of the most comprehensive notions involved.

{*1} On the word "jot," see note 1 in 2. [LHC]

Potts(1905-1910) 771

771. As every expression in the Word is from the Lord, and therefore has what is Divine within it, it is evident that there is no word, nor even an iota, that does not signify and involve something. And so it is here, when it is said "three wives" and the wives "of his sons" and also "with them." But what the particulars involve it would take too long to explain. It is sufficient to give only a general idea of their most general import.

Elliott(1983-1999) 771

771. Since every expression in the Word comes from the Lord and so has the Divine within it, it is clear that not one expression, not even one iota, is there which does not mean and embody something. The same holds true here with the expressions 'the three wives', and also 'the wives of his Sons', as well as 'with them'. But what these particular phrases embody would take too long to explain. It is enough if one supplies just a general idea of their most general meanings.

Latin(1748-1756) 771

771. Quia unaquaevis vox in Verbo a Domino est, et ita Divinum unicuique inest, constat quod nusquam aliqua vox ne quidem iota sit quae non aliquid significat et involvit, ita quoque quod hic dicatur, 'tres uxores,' tum 'uxores filiorum ejus,' ut et 'cum illis'; sed quid singula involvunt, prolixum foret exponere; satis est modo ideam communem communissimorum dare.

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