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属天的奥秘 第772节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]772. Genesis 7:14-15. They, and every kind of wild animal, and every kind of beast, and every kind of creeping thing creeping on the earth, and every kind of bird, every flying thing, every winged creature. And they entered to Noah in the ark, two each, two each of all flesh that had the breath of life in it.
They symbolizes the people of the church as a whole. Every kind of wild animal symbolizes all spiritual goodness. Every kind of beast symbolizes earthly goodness. Every kind of creeping thing creeping on the earth symbolizes all goodness at the sensory and bodily levels. Every kind of bird symbolizes all spiritual truth; the flying thing, earthly truth; and the winged creature, truth gained through the senses. They entered to Noah in the ark means as before that these things were saved. Two each and two each as before [747] means pairs. Of all flesh that had the breath of life in it means a newly created being, or the fact that they received new life from the Lord.

Potts(1905-1910) 772

772. Verses 14, 15. They, and every wild animal after its kind, and every beast after its kind, and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth after its kind; and every fowl after its kind, every flying thing, every winged thing. And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two, of all flesh wherein is the breath of lives. By "they" is signified the man of the church in general; by "every wild animal after its kind" is signified every spiritual good; by "every beast after its kind" every natural good; by "every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth after its kind" every sensuous and corporeal good; by "fowl after its kind" every spiritual truth; by "flying thing" natural truth; by "winged thing" sensuous truth. That "they went in unto Noah into the ark" signifies as before that they were saved; "two and two" signifies as before, pairs; "of all flesh wherein is the breath of lives" signifies a new creature, or that they received new life from the Lord.

Elliott(1983-1999) 772

772. Verses 14, 15 They, and every wild animal according to its kind, and every beast according to its kind, and every creeping thing that creeps over the earth according to its kind, and every bird according to its kind, every flying thing, and every winged thing. And they went in to Noah into the ark, two and two from all flesh in which there was the spirit of life.a

They' means in general the member of the Church. 'Every wild animal according to its kind' means all spiritual good. '[Every] beast according to its kind' means natural good. 'Every creeping thing that creeps over the earth according to its kind' means all sensory and bodily good. 'Every bird according to its kind' means all spiritual truth. 'Flying thing' means natural truth. 'Winged thing' means sensory truth. 'They went in to Noah into the ark' means, as previously, that they were saved. 'Two and two' means, as previously, pairs. 'Of all flesh in which there is the spirit of life'a means a new creature, or the fact that they received new life from the Lord.


a lit. of lives

Latin(1748-1756) 772

772. Vers. 14, 15. Illi, et omnis fera secundum speciem suam, et omnis bestia secundum speciem suam, et omne reptile repens super terra secundum speciem suam, et omnis avis secundum speciem suam, omnis volucris, omne alatum. Et intrarunt ad Noahum in arcam; bina bina de omni carne, in qua spiritus vitarum. Per 'illi' significatur in genere homo Ecclesiae: per 'omnem feram secundum speciem suam' significatur omne bonum spirituale: per 'bestiam secundum speciem suam' bonum naturale: per 'omne reptile repens super terra secundum speciem suam' omne bonum sensuale et corporeum: per 'avem secundum speciem suam' omne spirituale verum: per 'volucrem' naturale verum: per 'alatum' sensuale verum: 'quod intrarint {1} ad Noahum in arcam' significant, ut prius, quod servata: 'bina et bina' significant, ut prius, paria: 'de omni carne, in qua spiritus vitarum' significant novam creaturam, seu quod vitam novam (x)acceperint a Domino. @1 intrarunt I.$

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