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属天的奥秘 第7761节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7761

7761. A clear distinction must be made between spiritual good and natural good. As before said, spiritual good has its quality from the truths of faith, their abundance, and their connection; but natural good is born with the man, and also arises by accident, as by misfortunes, diseases, and the like. Natural good saves no one, but spiritual good saves all. The reason is that the good which is formed through the truths of faith is a plane into which heaven can flow, that is, the Lord through heaven, and lead man, and withhold him from evil, and afterward uplift him into heaven; but not so natural good; and therefore they who are in natural good can be as easily carried away by falsity as by truth, provided the falsity appears in the form of truth; and they can be as easily led by evil as by good, provided the evil is presented as good. They are like feathers in the wind.

Elliott(1983-1999) 7761

7761. A clear distinction should be drawn between spiritual good and natural good. Spiritual good, as has been stated, derives its particular quality from the truths of faith, the quantity of them, and their connection with one another. But natural good is inborn, and also is engendered by things that happen by chance, such as misfortunes, illnesses, and the like. Natural good saves no one, whereas spiritual good saves all. The reason for this is that the good which is given form by the truths of faith provides heaven - that is, the Lord through heaven - with a level to flow into, in order to lead the person, withhold him from evil, and subsequently raise him to heaven. But natural good is not like that. People therefore whose good is merely natural can be carried away by falsity as easily as by truth, provided that in outward appearance the falsity looks like truth. They can also be led as easily by evil as by good, provided that the evil is presented as good. They are like feathers in the wind.

Latin(1748-1756) 7761

7761. Probe distinguendum est inter {1}bonum spirituale et {1}bonum naturale; {1}bonum spirituale suum quale habet a veris fidei, eorum copia, et nexu, ut dictum est; {1}bonum autem naturale connascitur, et quoque existit per accidentia, ut per infortunia, morbos, et similia; bonum naturale nullum salvat, bonum autem spirituale omnes salvat; causa est quia bonum quod formatur per vera fidei est planum in quod influere potest caelum, hoc est, Dominus per caelum, ac ducere hominem, et detinere illum a malo, ac postea elevare caelum; bonum autem naturale non ita; quare illi qui in bono naturali sunt tam facile auferri possunt a falso quam a vero, modo falsum appareat {2}in forma veri; et tam facile duci possunt a malo quam a bono, modo malum sistatur ut bonum; sunt sicut plumae an vento. @1 d bonum i charitas and alters adjectives$ @2 sub$

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