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属天的奥秘 第7791节



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Potts(1905-1910) 7791

7791. And he went out from before Pharaoh in the wrath of anger. That this signifies the rending asunder of the presence of truth Divine from those about to be damned, is evident from the signification of "going out," as being to depart, here to be rent asunder, because it is said "in the wrath of anger;" moreover, at the last when damnation takes place, there is a rending asunder; for when they begin to hold truth Divine in aversion, and also to fear it, and finally to feel horror at its presence, they rend themselves asunder from it; from the representation of Moses, as being truth Divine (of which frequently above); from the representation of Pharaoh, as being those who had infested those who are of the spiritual church (of which also frequently above), but in the present case those who are about to be damned, for damnation is signified by the firstborn being given up to death (see n. 7778); and from the signification of "the wrath of anger," as being repugnance and aversion (see n. 3614, 5034, 5798), and when attributed to the Divine, as here to the Divine truth which is represented by Moses, it is not meant that the Divine turns itself away, but that they who are in evil turn themselves away (see n. 5798). "Wrath" is predicated of falsity, and "anger" of evil (n. 3614).

Elliott(1983-1999) 7791

7791. 'And he went out from Pharaoh in wrath and anger' means a violent breaking off of the presence of God's truth from those who are to be damned. This is clear from the meaning of 'going out' as departing, at this point a violent breaking off since the words 'in wrath and anger' are used (in the end also, once damnation is reached, a violent breaking off takes place, for when people begin to feel a loathing of God's truth, also to fear it, and at length to feel horror at its presence, they break away from it violently); from the representation of 'Moses' as God's truth, dealt with often; from the representation of 'Pharaoh' as the ones who molested those who belonged to the spiritual Church, also dealt with often, but at this point those who are to be damned, damnation being meant by the declaration that the firstborn were going to be killed, 7778; and from the meaning of 'wrath and anger' as antagonism and loathing or aversion, dealt with in 3614, 5034, 5798. But when those feelings are attributed to the Divine, as they are here to Divine Truth, represented by 'Moses', it does not mean that the Divine turns away in aversion but that those immersed in evil do so, 5798. 'Wrath' is used in reference to falsity and 'anger' to evil, 3614.

Latin(1748-1756) 7791

7791. `Et exivit a cum Pharaone in excandescentia irae': quod significet praesentiae veri Divini divulsionem a damnandis, constat ex significatione `exire' quod sit discedere, hic divelli, quia dicitur `in excandescentia irae'; (m)ultimo etiam, quando damnatio, est divulsio, nam cum verum Divinum incipiunt aversari, tum timere, et tandem horrere ad praesentiam ejus, tunc divellunt se ab illo;(n) ex repraesentatione `Moschis' quod sit verum Divinum, de qua saepius; ex repraesentatione `Pharaonis' quod sint qui infestarunt illos qui ab Ecclesia spirituali, de qua etiam {1}saepius, hic autem qui damnandi, damnatio enim significatur per quod `primogeniti morti dandi {2}essent,' n. 7778; et ex significatione `excandescentiae irae' quod sit {3}repugnantia et aversio, de qua n. 3614, 5034, 5798, et cum tribuitur Divino, ut hic Divino Vero, quod per `Moschen' repraesentatur, non intelligitur quod Divinum avertat Se, sed quod illi qui in malo, n. 5798; `excandescentia' praedicatur de falso et `ira' de malo, n. 3614. @1 saepe$ @2 sint$ @3 zelus, nam vero Divino non est aliquid irae, sed est zelus, qui in externa forma apparet sicut ira; in proprio sensu per excandescentiam irae significatur repugnantia et aversio, ut n. 3614, 5034, 5798, et cum tribuitur Divino, non intelligitur repugnantia et aversio a Divino, sed ab illis$

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